Are they also a shortbread cookie?I Think that the Russian Tea Cakes are the same recipe for what my Aunt called, "Sweetish Squares," and hers were square shaped, also coated with powdered sugar.
My grandmother used to bake Stollen for us every Christmas and always quiz us after Christmas asking how many slices we ate! It's good with coffee.I tried a new holiday recipe this year which will be a forever favorite, Stollen. I didn't add any marzipan, and instead of citron I added 1/3 cup marmalade. We used mostly dried apricots, candied ginger and raisins for dry fruits. I did the gluten free version, still really good. Rising with yeast is a must. Very addictive!
Authentic Stollen (German Christmas Bread)
One of the most famous of all Christmas pastries, German Stollen are prized throughout the world. This authentic Stollen recipe is the BEST!
I think so. If I come upon the recipe I will post it.Are they also a shortbread cookie?
Lucky you! I love that it is so balanced in sweetness, so little sugar in there aside from the dried fruits. This Christmas I really noticed how over sugared everything is so the stollen was a really refreshing change.My grandmother used to bake Stollen for us every Christmas and always quiz us after Christmas asking how many slices we ate! It's good with coffee.
Lucky you! I love that it is so balanced in sweetness, so little sugar in there aside from the dried fruits. This Christmas I really noticed how over sugared everything is so the stollen was a really refreshing change.