Carol Dee
Garden Master
WOW that is cool
WOW that is cool
Knock knock , hello ... do you even realize that you have been brainwashed by those that live in la la land ?
There is an organic blue berry farm here in our county. The farmer has an estimate of 10 million of which 1.7 million have been harvested so far (Oregon produces 100 million lbs a year). The day labor crew left for a higher paying job. He now has almost 8 million lbs rotting on the bushes. NOBODY wants to pick. Its very hard labor and only the migrant farm workers, many of whom are illegal, want to work that hard.
Oregon min wage is $10.25 a hour. Harvest wages average $12.50 an hour. Unemployment in OR is 4.1%. UE in Grants Pass is 6.1%
Blueberries are rotting on the bush.
We purchased 20 acres in the arid high desert open rangeland type of land that grew mostly tumbleweeds in the central valley of Cal. We drilled a water well to the depth of 29 feet that procuces 152 gallons of water per minute because we were fortunate to tap into a ( now filled in with silt erosion from the mountains over eons) prehistoric creek bed. Before we got there the carrying capacity was ONE cow . Now , the carrying capacity is 5 cows plus their calves. Meanwhile, just a mile West one has to drill at least 300' to 500' to yield 4 gal. per minute IF the water does NOT have a high percentage of salt on over 100,000 acres so it is undrinkable and not suitable to water a garden. What are those people to do ? That is why the dam and irrigation canals was build to harness the annual snow melt from the high Sierra Nevada Mountains. Now the large proportion of these lands produce millions of tuns of almonds, pistacios, apples, pears, walnuts, oranges, lemons, grapes for wine and raisins, tomatoes , field crops, cotton, dairies, beef, sheep, etc. With the misguided loss of the water, a large portion of this food producing area that employed thousands of migrant workers as well as the land owners and their families is returning to tumble weeds. The vast majority of the workers and their families now collect welfare checks and many of the land owners had to move into cities and have to find a job that is IF they can find one and their house rents are increasing every year , Great ha ?
And you're an expert on this how?
They are not isolated training kills.
Why? Glad u r in NY.....Thistle 14 days without a shower![]()
Since I just glanced wasn’t following train of thought......Oh brother! Hahaha!![]()