Garden Master
@Beekissed them are interesting looking ducks! i hope they do well for you and you enjoy having them around. 
Get some chickens So Lucky!OK, so, @Beekissed, are you going to keep them in the garden enclosure, and what kind of house are you going to have? This sounds pretty interesting to me. Do ducks not destroy seedlings in the garden?
I would think that the smelly aspect is because they splash water around and poop in it? I wonder how often a water change will be needed for your two ducks and smallish pool.
My son had ducks for a while; just housed them with the chickens. Probably not ideal, but it worked for him.
Duck eggs, for the uninitiated, are richer than chicken eggs, IMO. I don't care for them as regular fried eggs, but for scrambled or in baked goods, no problem.
Oh, and I think the most fail-proof way to get blue eggs is to buy an Ameraucana layer. Or an Araucana, which is a tail-less blue egger. But many sellers call Easter Eggers by that name, or they call them "Americanas" which is misleading.
The two Easter Eggers I had sported ear tufts and a tail. One laid a beautiful blue egg, the other one a paler blue-green. The tufts were so big I had to give them hair cuts to enable them to see.
Oh, man, I'm really itching to get more chickens. And maybe a pair of ducks?
Since I own EE mutts, I am pretty sure that the blue egg is a dominant trait, much like 1/2 gaited horses will gait very nicely for you. I just get a kick out of the variety of color eggs you can get from your hens. Certainly egg coloring is more interesting with them.
Bee, the gal I got them from said they lay a deep hunter green egg. I also googled sapphire gems and it confirmed what she said. I guess I'll find out in about 2-3 months.
@Beekissed , interested in MAYBE, MAYBE keeping ducks in the future. I have an extra enclosure, 12' x 12', and I could certainly use a smallish stock tank for them, BUT, I can smell when it's time to dig out, till and replace dirt for my chickens. I hear that ducks are really smelly. Thoughts?