French Black Copper Moran


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
OK, so, @Beekissed, are you going to keep them in the garden enclosure, and what kind of house are you going to have? This sounds pretty interesting to me. Do ducks not destroy seedlings in the garden?
I would think that the smelly aspect is because they splash water around and poop in it? I wonder how often a water change will be needed for your two ducks and smallish pool.

They really don't need a house, per se, if the dog is on guard all night around the garden, which he is. I have a large bench in the middle of the garden they can shelter under if needed and I can also give them a little low tunnel covered with a shade cloth until the plants get big enough to provide plenty of shade and hawk cover.

They CAN trample small seedlings unwittingly, but it's easy to fence them off the seedling beds until they get big enough the ducks can't damage them by trampling. I have push in stakes and deer netting galore for that purpose.

Splashing water around that has manure in it ~in a garden ~is a plus, in my book. Each evening I can empty out their watering container on the places that need it most and refill it with fresh each morning as I refill all other waterers, so not much different than usual around here.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Here's the confusion....there are Sapphire Gems and just plain ol' Sapphire Olive eggers, both can be found at Hoover's Hatchery. Both are a hybrid mix but not a particular breed.

Sapphire Gems lay brown eggs...nice, big dark brown eggs. Sapphire Olive Eggers lay the olive egg...they look slightly different than the Sapphire Gems but still carry the blue feather gene. They just don't tend to have the black head and legs, like the Sapphire Gems.

Sapphire Gems~


Sapphire Olive Eggers~

Thanks for clarifying that! I think I have the Sapphire Olive Egger.



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I know nothing about chicken conformation.

ditto. when you start getting into specific jargon then you know you're playing with fire. :) i always enjoy learning more even about things i may never do myself, but i can pass along what i learn to others if it ever does come up as a topic.

some people are saying confirmation and others conformation, i'm assuming the 2nd one is what is actually meant.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Different breeds have different conformation, according to the breed standards. A leghorn bird won't look like a White Rock bird, nor a Rhode Island Red or White. Each breed has a specific way they are to look...used to be they had a different way they were to perform as well, but they moved away from that, more is the pity.

If you really like or get interested in a certain breed, it's always good to read up on the standard and see if you can try to develop your flock towards the breed standard, simply because it's challenging and it's good for furthering and maintaining the true breeds. The hatcheries have gone a long way towards muddying the breeds and moving them in different directions than the breed standards, which is why most folks don't know a White Rock from a White Leghorn except for their egg color~and the same goes for many breeds of similar coloring,

I ordered three more of the IR but don't know when they will arrive...hope I have a broody hatching chicks long about then so I can stuff them under a real mama and I won't need to worry about them much.

I also picked up 10 CX and 6 New Hampshire str. run chicks from TSC the other day~both were on sale. The CX were $1 ea. and the NHs were $.50 ea. They are all living in one brooder and being warmed by a heating pad brooder setup for a few weeks until they will be big enough to get out on the grass and range.

The two IR ducklings are currently in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and a small bowl of water and trying to bond to Ben through the fence...and he seems pretty protective of them as well, as he is staying near them today, instead of lying in his normal place.

They will return to the broody pen housing this evening for sleeping, but I figured they'd like the sun and water today while I worked in the yard.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
ditto. when you start getting into specific jargon then you know you're playing with fire. :) i always enjoy learning more even about things i may never do myself, but i can pass along what i learn to others if it ever does come up as a topic.

some people are saying confirmation and others conformation, i'm assuming the 2nd one is what is actually meant.
Oh, yes, second one. Chicken faux pas.