Peach trees do fine in clay soil. They especially like it when there is a short drought, and My acidic soil doesn't dry out enough for mine. LOTS of apple trees grow in many places. Check with your closest University extension office for advice in your zone and soil type.
Oh, a lot of trees do well! Peaches, apples, pears... I grow them all in my super clay soil here in the south. I bet with your colder winters, apples for you would do better then for me!
You just have to research the types you get for your region. Make sure you get something hardy in the zone above you and below you as well as yours. This helps in those extremely odd season times for the tree to thrive. Like if you get a hotter then normal summer, or colder then normal winter.
if you're looking for a few peach varieties that should be 'safe' from frost in zone 5, look for Reliance and Contender. both can tolerate up to zone 4 weather.
I've had very good success repotting my fruit trees, then planting them in the Fall. Right, above about 1/2 again bigger hole and compost first, then the tree, then the filler. I've caged my new fruit trees for the first winter and filled the cage with straw for protection. AFTER that, you fertilize over the winter at the drip line, instead of wrapping a blanket of mulch around the stem.