#26 - getting caught on a gardening website at work is not cause for immediate dismissal - and sometimes the boss even asks you to print something out for him
I have gotten up early, out of no real intent. In my early morning grumpiness, I have searched thru many of my news sources including several opinions, finishing with arguments before the Supreme Court .
Before I check the pre-dawn weather, I turn to you, The Easy Garden ...
I know of a guy who grew up in Yellowknife. Yeah, Northwest Territories ... He is just delighted to be gardening in Edmonton now!
TEG gardeners, it's like that old gunslinger law, there will always be someone coming along who is faster ... or, in this case, gardens in a colder part of the world. Let's focus on the strawberries, please.
I need to get to that Washington State apple and a del Monte banana but responding on @so lucky 's protected gardening thread is a priority just for my peace of mind.