Goin' to the Dogs!

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
We lost our 5 year old Australian Shepard today. Back in September we thought she had a bladder infection and the vet put her on meds for it. Then Wednesday she chewed up a luffa I had left to dry on the porch and took her to the vet the next morning because she was acting off and we were worried that all of the bleach haven’t been rinsed off or it was causing a blockage. The vet didn’t seem worried and sent her home with some meds to help her pass it and she seemed better until this morning. This morning we took her back to the vet and between her
x-rays and blood work the vet decided that she needed exploratory surgery to hopefully find either a blockage or a bleed in her intestines. Unfortunately what they discovered was end stage cancer. Because of this we chose to just let her not wake up from the surgery. she passed around 3 o’clock this afternoon. It was very rough we never expected something like this and thought she’d have at least another 7 years.:(


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
My last dog was an Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler.

She was a very nice dog. She tried very hard to please but had an independent streak that didn't really need addressing. She would try to please and that was enough. She was not interested in wearing a collar and didn't want to have a leash on her. However, all that needed to happen was that she knew that she was to stay close. And, she would do it. My mother also had that control and enjoyed going for walks with her. There was never a problem.

My first dog was a Border Collie and she was such a child's dog that in her old age she adopted a neighbor kid. I had grown up. My daughter also had a Border Collie and, other than being obsessive about chasing a ball, she was a perfect canine friend for her. A 30-something "kid" now, she lost a dog a couple of years ago to old age but still has 2 - a very canine-oriented kid ;).

A.L. you tried to find a solution for her illness. There wasn't one and she crossed the rainbow bridge. So many persons have experienced the loyalty of dogs and we can think about what that means after we lose them. They absolutely do not want us to suffer. Please, give that some thought.

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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
@Artichoke Lover How devastating to lose such a young dog to cancer. I know you are crushed. That is something that you just don't see coming.

We lost a 7 year old Great Dane/Labrador cross pretty much the same way. He refused to eat chicken, we took him to the vet, exploratory surgery and found pancreatic cancer all inside his body. Like you, we didn't let him wake up.

This is something that is out of your control. Grieve for the loss of your precious dog. Cancer is sneaky and how does a dog tell you that something is wrong? You just didn't know. You took her to the vet for treatment, you could see that something wasn't right, but she couldn't tell you. Big hugs.

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
I will say that while I’m very sad to have lost her so young. And the shock of it being so suddenly is hard to deal with I am glad that it happened so quickly as that was what was kindest for her. She was happy and active up until about 4 days before she passed. We also lost our last dog a Boxer named Emma to intestinal cancer and that was a much longer slower illness and hard on us and her and I’m grateful Nika didn’t suffer like that. I know she was happy with us for the three years. She loved running through the fields and playing in the river. I still remember the time she brought us a live perfectly unharmed possum she found around the chicken coop!


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
We lost our 5 year old Australian Shepard today. Back in September we thought she had a bladder infection and the vet put her on meds for it. Then Wednesday she chewed up a luffa I had left to dry on the porch and took her to the vet the next morning because she was acting off and we were worried that all of the bleach haven’t been rinsed off or it was causing a blockage. The vet didn’t seem worried and sent her home with some meds to help her pass it and she seemed better until this morning. This morning we took her back to the vet and between her
x-rays and blood work the vet decided that she needed exploratory surgery to hopefully find either a blockage or a bleed in her intestines. Unfortunately what they discovered was end stage cancer. Because of this we chose to just let her not wake up from the surgery. she passed around 3 o’clock this afternoon. It was very rough we never expected something like this and thought she’d have at least another 7 years.:(
I'm so sad too find you have lost your dog. Trust me when I say I totally understand this is a very hard blow but as others have already said, she didn't suffer and went peacefully. :hugs