Goin' to the Dogs!


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I had really great back up email for Nancy too get this oss op. But was messed around by one member of staff even though the request from the caring dedicated holistic nurse asked that I specifically spoke to the vet and the vet directly.

This person made it really impossible for us too be in contact. Then a second person promised a call but likely didn't pass that message on and the call never came.

I've landed up with terrific shoulders neck and headache pain. Waking up stressed after two hours sleep, their messing around ruined our entire day yesterday preventing all that needed to be done

Now i have to cancel tomorrow to wait again for a call that probably won't come because of these dreadful staff that are an insult to the vets profession

Why do these vets employ oger's . They cause so much harm to animals, just like that vile so called vet, the woman that prevented my cat from getting the help that he so desperately needed.

We pay 10 times over the limit for our animals treatment. How dare they abuse us and neglect our animals like this.

if I can't get this operation I'll likely lose her.
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Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Why would you lose her?
She needs this operation too calm her. I cannot risk her making off and having more puppies. She could easily escape she very fast and I desperately trying to organise this operation. But I'm promised calls that are not coming.
I cannot physically make it hundreds of miles away, plus I don't think she could cope with are 6 to 8 different changes of public transport.


Deeply Rooted
Jul 19, 2019
Reaction score
Indiana, zone 5b

She needs this operation too calm her. I cannot risk her making off and having more puppies. She could easily escape she very fast and I desperately trying to organise this operation. But I'm promised calls that are not coming.
I cannot physically make it hundreds of miles away, plus I don't think she could cope with are 6 to 8 different changes of public transport.
Oh, I see. You expect she will escape if she’s not spayed.

I know you are anxious to give her the best surgery possible, but given the circumstances, I think the conventional spay surgery would be good enough. She seems to be old enough that she’s past the bone growth plate closing period. Yes, I do believe it’s in dogs’ best interest to keep their ovaries/and the associated hormones that their endocrine system depends on. But millions and millions of dogs have been spayed and neutered for many decades, and most of them lived long healthy lives.

If the choice is between hypothetical and potential problems that may or may not occur in the future, and the very likely possibility that she might escape and get lost, hurt or killed in the current time period, then I would opt to just go ahead and have her spayed conventionally. It would be easier for you all around and you can rest assured that the vets who perform it have lots of experience, making it a fairly safe procedure. All 3 of the female dogs I have owned were spayed, so it’s not like I am suggesting you do something I wouldn’t do.

I hope you will be able to find some peace of mind over this.