GOP Farm Bill Obstruction Could Defund 90 % Of Dept Of Agriculture


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
According to the mayor of the demorcratic republic of "D" , my childhood playground that has gone to pot ..... we will do everything for you, then let YOU pay for it !


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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I salute you marshallsmyth. It seems you are paying attention to what is happening around the world. :cool:


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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WE pay for it as we should.

In most first world industrialized countries, the peoples tax money is used to pay for things that serve the needs of the people. Education is just one of those things.

Usually a peoples taxes are held in trust by their government; it is like a big bank account. First, you deposit money in the account, that is called revenue, and then when you pay something you take it out. That is called a debt. If the money or revenue is not in your account, then you cannot purchase anything that you need. The United States is not taking in enough revenue.

In other countries, people pay a higher percentage of their taxes for these benefits, and this system is well regarded by its people. Their taxes also pay for other things such as healthcare, and the repair of their countrys infrastructure, like their roads and bridges, and even schools. Their taxes even pay for childcare for working Moms and Dads, and some counties knowing the importance of education pay for college tuitions.

We know that we and everyone else we know pay a lot of taxes. The question is why are we getting short changed and our people are suffering.

Some of us reason that not everyone in this country are paying their fair share of taxes, and that the our bank account, our tax money, is being diverted and used to pay other things less noble than taking care of the people of this country. Caring for a country is a shared responsibility. :thumbsup


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Interesting. While it is called the Ag Budget, less than 15% is spent on agriculture. Go figure.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
Of course we all pay for our country's running. That's right and fair.

What's objectionable, unconscionable, and wrong is paying for the bloat, the freeloaders and the bureaucrats that continually load us down with more and more taxes and "fees" until we are crippled and verging on implosion. I'm all for helping the helpless, I just don't think the government qualifies as telling me who those helpless are.

Since we're quoting today here's one: " We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."Sir Winston Churchill, 1903

Oh, and here's another from one of Britains great PMs : "The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money." Margaret Thatcher

And one last one because I thought it was funny: " If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there would be a shortage of sand." Milton Friedman


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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What was there about where, what, and how, that our taxes are being diverted by others for their purposes that you did not understand? :rolleyes: If I get too specific, it hurts the sensibilities of some and the TEG staff will assist me off here for not believing that the world only consists of rainbows and butterflies. :p

AS for my government for which I pay for, when there is a disaster, I want them there first for me, and for my neighbors. When you starve a system of money, then you get an anemic response. :old

As for Margaret Thatcher, it has been scientifically proven that there was no human DNA found in her genes. Which means survival of the fittest in a dog eat dog world. If that is really how one wants to live, then may I suggest that you rent the movie.THE ROAD. :pop

Because I verbally cannot do justice to a scenario to what can and will happen in this country if people do not learn that we are all in this together. In the real world, everyone is susceptible to hard luck, bad luck, and no luck at all. I least of all want to be the judge of who lives and dies because of my perception whether they are worthy of my help or not. Judge not lest ye be judged.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
Ladyhawke1 said:
What was there about where, what, and how, that our taxes are being diverted by others for their purposes that you did not understand? :rolleyes: If I get too specific, it hurts the sensibilities of some and the TEG staff will assist me off here for not believing that the world only consists of rainbows and butterflies. :p

AS for my government for which I pay for, when there is a disaster, I want them there first for me, and for my neighbors. When you starve a system of money, then you get an anemic response. :old

As for Margaret Thatcher, it has been scientifically proven that there was no human DNA found in her genes. Which means survival of the fittest in a dog eat dog world. If that is really how one wants to live, then may I suggest that you rent the movie.THE ROAD. :pop

Because I verbally cannot do justice to a scenario to what can and will happen in this country if people do not learn that we are all in this together. In the real world, everyone is susceptible to hard luck, bad luck, and no luck at all. I least of all want to be the judge of who lives and dies because of my perception whether they are worthy of my help or not. Judge not lest ye be judged.
WOW !!! Was Margaret Thatcher been really scientifically proven without human DNA in her genes but being hinted as containing canine ones ??? :ep Please provide the research results of a real Scientifically approved journal.... not someones ranting of their own leaning steriotypes. :caf


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
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North Idaho 48th parallel
Ladyhawke1 said:
Judge not lest ye be judged.:tongue
Interesting that you would quote the Bible...

And as for your statement about Margaret Thatcher, well, I just file that under the heading of most of the rest of the "information" you so graciously pass along on this gardening forum.

I wonder about you Ladyhawke1, you appear on here only to troll, never an actual gardening conversation, and when people express a different viewpoint, you go rabid and superior, pointing out what illiterate ignoramuses we all are.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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LadyHawke, in the (fantasy) garden book we all would write, you'd be writing the chapter on garden politics.

Which other chapters would you be writing or collaborating on?

I just think that allocations of limited funds is very difficult because government agencies have a hard time doing things on the cheap anymore.

For example there is a controversy about the Eel River, Scott dam, the diversion of water to the Russian River at the Van Arsdale diversion dam, and the very few Salmon, plus the Squaw Fish problem.

All the high and mighty uppity ups who talk like they know what they are doing and nobody else knows anything, have decided to change the flows and releases of the dams, saying to all us poor dumb souls that'll fix it, and that's that.

Nope. Still have the invasive Squaw Fish, and nobody has seen a live Salmon above Van Arsdale yet.

Muckitty uppity ups in their suits who think, no, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that they are the wisest about the situation in the world, tell us it's ok.

Soon as someone says we need two salmon runs, one around Van Arsdale, and one around Scott Dam, the wise and whispering to each other powerful ones with their hands on the valves, tell with great authority that would cost 25 million dollars.

PfffFFFt! Get a couple guys with a couple backhoes to cut the channels: 6 thousand bucks! Bring in the concrete trucks to make the salmon runs, 3 feet wide, not overly fancy or smooth, and hire some local guys to do the work. 10 thousand bucks. Ok, maybe double or triple those costs. That's still nowhere like 25 million.

The high and mighty's then say, ya still have the invasive squawfish. I gotta say some background here: Lake Pillsbury is the smallest of a triple reservoir system, and this system does the very rare thing of taking water from one river's watershed, and diverts some of it into another river's watershed. (!) Now, that is kind of cool. No, really cool, because it keeps water in the Russian River, which would otherwise run dry because Sonoma County has grown to a huge population and has thirsty vineyards that supply the world with high, (and medium), quality wines. (They took out the acreage of Prunes to do that, but that's a side story). Lake Mendocino holds much more water than Pillsbury, and only rarely gets moderately low. The next reservoir down, Lake Sonoma, is vastly much larger and deeper. That one is never lower than 82% capacity.

There is plenty of reserve water in Lake Sonoma alone for three year's worth of usage, even during drought. But the high and mightys refuse to use it. It is mostly a public relations thing to keep the growth of Sonoma County going. They need the huge dollar signs of continued growth.

That is, the population's economy depends on growth, depends on what will bring about OVERPOPULATION. An addiction to what will cause a destructive end. THAT is why the high and mightys make their decisions! They THINK we don't know it. 99.99% do not know as they believe, but that 0.01% of us do know.

The answer is to drain Lake Pillsbury for about two years. While it is drained, and while the Salmon runs are being made, bring in the very efficient fishermen and women from Vietnam who use river nets to come in and locally extinctify the entire population of Squaw Fish, a kind of Pike that is invasive. They will be happy to do this for free! River netting is illegal, but to use them for an ecologically sound reason should be a special dispensation of this particular law.

While the lake is drained, some dredging can and should be done at some of the places where silt and gravel have made the reservoir lake shallower, holding less water. The removed waste could be used to raise the bed of the small airstrip, and even to create a small swimming pond on the north side of the lake, the area around which can be more tule for the local Elk, and more wetland for the birds.

During this time, boulders could be placed on the beds of the major inlets for physical silt reduction. Cleaner water!

It would mean no boating recreation for about two years. That's a rough one. It really is. Recreation is an important part of Lake and Mendocino counties' economies.

It would be an answer to almost all of the liberal Friends of the Eel River's concerns, and it would resolve the issues for the conservative fisherman offshore, and keep the status quo for all the sorts of moderates enjoying things, except for two years of the work.

This will not happen in the near future though. "They" always want to do things expensively, with lots of dollar signs, lots of agencies with lots more muckity uppity ups to make their high and mighty decisions. To make their powerful egos feel good.

Meantime, wow! Beautiful sunrise over the beautiful lake!! :coolsun

LadyHawke, I invite you to post in other topics :)

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