GOP Farm Bill Obstruction Could Defund 90 % Of Dept Of Agriculture


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Thistle makes a very good point Ladyhawke. I hope you hear what Thistle says, and have some increased respect for others. Agree or not, others do more thinking than meets the eye.

I should add that there are what I call micro considerations, and macro considerations. Both are good and needed, important to humanity.

Some focus on what is direct and near, the micro consideration. Doing the laundry, watering the garden, making breakfast, caring for grandkids while daughter is at work keeping her job pulling her hair out doing so. Others can consider macro things such as what country is buying which crop for how much. Not everyone has opportunity to do both, so please, understand that does not imply the micro considerer is not a thinker.

This is gardening. Yes, there are some political issues, some very important about gardening. One or two bloggers or newsgroups do not make for the first and last words on all issues. Thistle is right. It does seem you push the pills of certain information down our throats.

I try to take a technical stance, an overview, and see local issues as examples. It is not to feed anyone's viewpoint, but to seek solutions, even yes, solutions to find why solutions can't be done. So I look at History.

In short, let's talk more about gardening issues without the polarizations of views and without hurting feelings. Uplift each other more, or try.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Ladyhawke, do you even have a garden? Some houseplants? A ficus, perhaps?

Not once have I seen you post a gardening question or answer or participate in any casual or informational garden topic. You only come on here when you want to preach your politics and you can't even tolerate open-discussion on your topics without insulting people and sowing discord. I don't believe this forum should be used solely as a policital soap-box. It's not that I even particularly disagree of your topics or viewpoints--it's the spirit and intent with which they are delivered.

I've felt you were only here to troll for a long time.

The rest of us are here to be friendly and talk garden. Aren't there enough political forums out there that would be better suited to your message? We are not all ostriches with our heads in the sand. We are all adults here. We all watch the news, read and are capable of forming our own thoughts and opinions. I find these inflammatory posts distasteful and out of place. JMHO


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
I can also quote the Old Testament, the Qur'an, The Nag Hammadi Library, and Julia Childs. :plbb

It is amazing how humor and irony eludes people, and I am hesitant to use bigger words.


a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1. :throw

I will continue to seek the truth so that I know what to expect and how I can help myself, and my community. I was not put on this planet just to preserve my own patutie.

Having said that, Marshallsymth, you are the supreme living proof that the pyramids and the airfields of Nazca were engineered and built by the communal or everyman working together. :tools

Ohand I can quote/read/understand some hieroglyphics too. That comes from too much reading. Why just this morning I heard on the radio some prominent conservative say that they do not count on smart people helping them. That is something I can believe in. :hide

Good luck to the rest of you. :th


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
I am a troll. I troll for the truth and it is ok that others do not agree with me. If you take my sense of humor as personal, then there is nothing I can do about that. I do not like it when people make fun of me so why should I make personal attacks against you. Have I? That is not my style.

I have four chickens and a good size garden. This year I started Zapotec Tomatoes from seeds that I had saved from last year. I also have an Italian Tree tomato that is supposed to get fifteen feet tall and fifteen feet wide. So far this tomato tree is over seven feet tall and just as wide.

Between the two of these tomatoes, I have probably picked over seventy pounds or more of tomatoes. I also have various herbs and peppers. I have moonflowers that attract bats.ewwwwww..then that must mean I am a witch. Ooh if only I could be traveling by broom would be so much easier. :bee :bee :bee


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
journey11 said:
Ladyhawke, do you even have a garden? Some houseplants? A ficus, perhaps?

Not once have I seen you post a gardening question or answer or participate in any casual or informational garden topic. You only come on here when you want to preach your politics and you can't even tolerate open-discussion on your topics without insulting people and sowing discord. I don't believe this forum should be used solely as a policital soap-box. It's not that I even particularly disagree of your topics or viewpoints--it's the spirit and intent with which they are delivered.

I've felt you were only here to troll for a long time.

The rest of us are here to be friendly and talk garden. Aren't there enough political forums out there that would be better suited to your message? We are not all ostriches with our heads in the sand. We are all adults here. We all watch the news, read and are capable of forming our own thoughts and opinions. I find these inflammatory posts distasteful and out of place. JMHO
Let me just say this. I have had my TV disconnected on purpose since 1995. I am better for it and better informed for having done that. It means I do my civil duty and my homework. I do as you should do.I do not take anyones word for anything. I find out for myself.

Example: If you know two guys. They are nice guys and they talk a lot about a lot of things. Over a period of time you learn that:

Guy number one: He is a nice guy, however over time you find outhe is never right and after a while his counsel never seems to bear fruit.

Guy number two: His words over time are followed by the things that do happen as he has eluded to. These things actually happen in your daily experiences, and then become fact and a part of history.

Therefore, do you throw both of these guys overboard, or do you tend to give more weight to the one who over time has better information for you. Information is power and with better information, people make better choices.

This is how I have learned who has better information for me. I need to live in the real world. I originally posted a FDA article. Then someone bashed my government and you do not want me to respond because you do not like the answers? :/

OK...TEG you can close this subject now you have managed to silence me.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
marshallsmyth said:
LadyHawke, in the (fantasy) garden book we all would write, you'd be writing the chapter on garden politics.

Which other chapters would you be writing or collaborating on?

I just think that allocations of limited funds is very difficult because government agencies have a hard time doing things on the cheap anymore.

For example there is a controversy about the Eel River, Scott dam, the diversion of water to the Russian River at the Van Arsdale diversion dam, and the very few Salmon, plus the Squaw Fish problem.

All the high and mighty uppity ups who talk like they know what they are doing and nobody else knows anything, have decided to change the flows and releases of the dams, saying to all us poor dumb souls that'll fix it, and that's that.

Nope. Still have the invasive Squaw Fish, and nobody has seen a live Salmon above Van Arsdale yet.

Muckitty uppity ups in their suits who think, no, KNOW FOR CERTAIN that they are the wisest about the situation in the world, tell us it's ok.

Soon as someone says we need two salmon runs, one around Van Arsdale, and one around Scott Dam, the wise and whispering to each other powerful ones with their hands on the valves, tell with great authority that would cost 25 million dollars.

PfffFFFt! Get a couple guys with a couple backhoes to cut the channels: 6 thousand bucks! Bring in the concrete trucks to make the salmon runs, 3 feet wide, not overly fancy or smooth, and hire some local guys to do the work. 10 thousand bucks. Ok, maybe double or triple those costs. That's still nowhere like 25 million.

The high and mighty's then say, ya still have the invasive squawfish. I gotta say some background here: Lake Pillsbury is the smallest of a triple reservoir system, and this system does the very rare thing of taking water from one river's watershed, and diverts some of it into another river's watershed. (!) Now, that is kind of cool. No, really cool, because it keeps water in the Russian River, which would otherwise run dry because Sonoma County has grown to a huge population and has thirsty vineyards that supply the world with high, (and medium), quality wines. (They took out the acreage of Prunes to do that, but that's a side story). Lake Mendocino holds much more water than Pillsbury, and only rarely gets moderately low. The next reservoir down, Lake Sonoma, is vastly much larger and deeper. That one is never lower than 82% capacity.

There is plenty of reserve water in Lake Sonoma alone for three year's worth of usage, even during drought. But the high and mightys refuse to use it. It is mostly a public relations thing to keep the growth of Sonoma County going. They need the huge dollar signs of continued growth.

That is, the population's economy depends on growth, depends on what will bring about OVERPOPULATION. An addiction to what will cause a destructive end. THAT is why the high and mightys make their decisions! They THINK we don't know it. 99.99% do not know as they believe, but that 0.01% of us do know.

The answer is to drain Lake Pillsbury for about two years. While it is drained, and while the Salmon runs are being made, bring in the very efficient fishermen and women from Vietnam who use river nets to come in and locally extinctify the entire population of Squaw Fish, a kind of Pike that is invasive. They will be happy to do this for free! River netting is illegal, but to use them for an ecologically sound reason should be a special dispensation of this particular law.

While the lake is drained, some dredging can and should be done at some of the places where silt and gravel have made the reservoir lake shallower, holding less water. The removed waste could be used to raise the bed of the small airstrip, and even to create a small swimming pond on the north side of the lake, the area around which can be more tule for the local Elk, and more wetland for the birds.

During this time, boulders could be placed on the beds of the major inlets for physical silt reduction. Cleaner water!

It would mean no boating recreation for about two years. That's a rough one. It really is. Recreation is an important part of Lake and Mendocino counties' economies.

It would be an answer to almost all of the liberal Friends of the Eel River's concerns, and it would resolve the issues for the conservative fisherman offshore, and keep the status quo for all the sorts of moderates enjoying things, except for two years of the work.

This will not happen in the near future though. "They" always want to do things expensively, with lots of dollar signs, lots of agencies with lots more muckity uppity ups to make their high and mighty decisions. To make their powerful egos feel good.

Meantime, wow! Beautiful sunrise over the beautiful lake!! :coolsun

LadyHawke, I invite you to post in other topics :)
Adding to the dam, river and fish program problems ... In the San Juaquin vallley, a reservoir was built about 70 + years ago and most of the water that flowed into the San Juaquin River was diverted to irrigate farm fields of the West side of the Valley. These farms produce the majority of raisins, wine, almonds, pistachios, oranges, alfalfa hay to feed millions of dairy cows which produce more cheese and milk ( than Wisconsin) , tomatoes for processing, row crops, beef cattle, etc., etc. in agricultural production in the USA as well as export markets. Several years ago, some do gooders got a law passed to restore the Salmon run in this River which hasn't had a single Salmon in 70+ years. River flow is now diverted at the dam and most farms are struggling to stay in business. Viniards, orchards, and irrigated row crop lands are being pulled out / gone fallow reverting to tumbleweeds . Family friends, who have grown 360 acres and leased 640 acres of raisin grapes since 1969 have now pulled all of their vines since they have NO WATER to irrigate them. No water , means they can't grow anything in this arrid valley. Cal. depends on Agriculture products for export and currently are in one heck of a fiancial bind as most small towns for hundreds of miles around have unemloyment rates of 20,30, and over 40%. No farming activity means NO farm labor which equates to unemployment and welfare checks to the unemployed which now equates to Cal. being on the very verge of bankruptcy. Snowball effect at it's finest !


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Actions speak louder than words, and your posting history speaks for itself.

Last actual garden topic attended by you--2 1/2 years ago. I suppose you believe yourself to have reached the pinnacle of all garden knowledge as well. :rolleyes:

Speaking of irony.

There are many posters on here, all of different creeds and walks of life. Most of us respect that. You do not. Your posts are divisive, incendiary and do not contribute to the spirit of community that is otherwise exhibited on here.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
BobM, we actually have a point of agreement!


About the ways of dealing with the Salmon being done wrong. Simply changing diversions and levels at existing dams, or even removing dams, (yes, that has been done before!), just to bring Salmon back is not the answer.

I do advocate the use of Salmon runs instead. For those who may not know, a Salmon run is a usually man made channel that goes around a dam. They are usually made to go up gentle slopes for 1 to 3 miles, and often are made with a series of water locks with small sets of rapids mimicking natural rapids for the mature spawning Salmon to swim up, and the baby fish fry to navigate down.

I did only use this example however as an example of political considerations for local areas. I guess in the instance of the San Joaquin, politicians probably spent 2 million dollars studying the issue...pffft...and then decided with their final drafts that it'd be easier and cheaper to kill the agriculture. By the way, (California has more cattle than Montana too). So now a few fishing boats have Salmon at the cost of a good portion of California's agricultural industry.


LadyHawke1, those Italian Tree Tomatoes really do produce, nice big Brandywine type Tomatoes! I grew some back in 1967 and 1968. Those plants grew up the fence and over into our neighbor's yard who weas always so nice saying, "hay kid, I got 5 more Tomatoes over here. Whadaya want me to do with them?" I always said they could have them. They sprawled all over the place, went way down the neighbor's fence past my garden.

Computers and the internet have a strange thing about them. Folks who don't know each other communicate just like we all live on the same block, even though some are on the other side of the world, almost to the antipode opposite, (thanks to Digit for that word!). And to add to this new and strange communication, most folks remain anonymous, and use pseudonyms. (I don't do that). Some may even know or have met others personally, and not even know it, or, may have been on other forums or groups, using other pseudonyms, and may actually know others more than they even know.


We can all start anew here. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone else.

Glenda the good witch knew a lot, yet she witheld her power to let the wicked witch sisters have their realms. Glenda knew it would all turn out good in the end. She let others learn for themselves. L. Frank Baum really was a great writer! He made a world, he filled that world with all sorts of things, tangible and not. He even made a connection of that world of Oz with the world of Kansas.

Nobody is a witch here in this world. Nobody gets to be either. On the other hand, there's no reason to try to know everything about the news unless one is going to do something about it. Can I do anything about what's going on in Syria? To the folks over there though, the news and information is vital to life. I sure wish I could convince Japan to just give up those islands, make some deal or something. My voice is not even a whisper 10,000 miles away. But a highway expansion through a pristine redwood forest 100 miles north of here, I may say something about that, and it may actually be heard.

My point is, some folks consider macro things, others are more interested in micro things. Macro or micro as far as news or any consideration goes. How close does something have to be to have a direct impact?


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
OK now I think you are rude, too.
Ladyhawke1 said:
I can also quote the Old Testament, the Qur'an, The Nag Hammadi Library, and Julia Childs. :plbb

It is amazing how humor and irony eludes people, and I am hesitant to use bigger words.


a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1. :throw

I will continue to seek the truth so that I know what to expect and how I can help myself, and my community. I was not put on this planet just to preserve my own patutie.

Having said that, Marshallsymth, you are the supreme living proof that the pyramids and the airfields of Nazca were engineered and built by the communal or everyman working together. :tools

Ohand I can quote/read/understand some hieroglyphics too. That comes from too much reading. Why just this morning I heard on the radio some prominent conservative say that they do not count on smart people helping them. That is something I can believe in. :hide

Good luck to the rest of you. :th


Garden Addicted
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Cedar Hill MO
journey11 said:
Actions speak louder than words, and your posting history speaks for itself.

Last actual garden topic attended by you--2 1/2 years ago. I suppose you believe yourself to have reached the pinnacle of all garden knowledge as well. :rolleyes:

Speaking of irony.

There are many posters on here, all of different creeds and walks of life. Most of us respect that. You do not. Your posts are divisive, incendiary and do not contribute to the spirit of community that is otherwise exhibited on here.
You know I thought the same thing but didn't do the search. My money would have been on she had never pasted on an actual gardining thread.
Oh well, I'm sure she'll be back with some more of her quotes!!!!


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