Garden Master
We have 2 3 year old TWIN granddaughters ... from their first words,to one and all , they said many stories to theml. Problem was, it was in their own language that they both new what the other was talking about ... and laughed at the puzzled look on others' faces.Took Thomas to NW seed and pets yesterday to pick up some seed starting supplies that we were out of. He wanted to climb all over the giant gorilla.View attachment 30923
@Gardening with Rabbits, he is sharp minded little guy for sure. He does a lot of talking that only he knows what he is saying lol. He loves his animal book and can quack like a duck, moo like a cow, and roar like a bear and lion.
@ninnymary he is a snuggly boy for sure. He is currently wearing size 3T clothing, his growth seems to be slowing down a bit though. I hope so he outgrows his clothes after only one or two times wearing it.