Greetings Gardeners!

so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Hiya, Bluebonnet! Welcome. Tell us some of your favorite heirloom vegetables, after you catch your breath a bit.


Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
I love homesteading / farming or what ever it may be that I am doing out here. The natural life in the country is how I love to live.

As far as special conditions go, I am able to overcome, as I had to clear my land to build my home and open the land up for use. I took the time to test and amend the soil, as well as remove any problems before I began establishing any plantings. As such, I am thankfully free of troublesome problems and have wonderful, fertile soil.

We can get together in cold weather grumblings. I consider anything under 85 degrees to be a cold front, so if you wish to complain about some of the terrible weather folks have been getting lately, I'm all ears, or in this case, eyes.

I am extremely well entrenched in working farm conditions. I grow, can and otherwise preserve the majority of my own foods. I am very much into the traditional Pre-1960's way of life. As such, anything to do with an old fashioned home interests me greatly.

In a few minutes, I will type up a huge list of what all I am growing here and what more I hope to accomplish. I am hiring a photographer to come and document my land and animals, so I can assure you that there will be many photographs to share.

I processed the lot of chickens my neighbors set me up with, as I wanted to take on the learning process before I committed to them full time. I am looking forward to obtaining White Dorking chickens, as well as Wheaten Araucanas, although I have yet to find a reliable source of breeding quality stock and I am as yet undecided on a brown egg layer. I prefer heritage breeds that were in America pre-1850 and where unavailable, I default to German breeds where possible. I have acreage where my chickens can free range, but I prefer to keep them in chicken tractors, as there are certain prairie related threats to chickens.

My rabbitry is brand new. They have their own custom mini barn. I am currently obtaining breeding stock. I raise American Chinchillas, Creme d'Argents and am trying to locate foundation stock of Blue American rabbits, which were known as the German Blue Vienna, but the name was changed due to WWI, along with Blue Vienna and Lilacs. The Blue Vienna is incredible rare and the only remaining stock is located in Germany. It was a foundation breed for the Blue American, but there are only between 100-200 of them left and as such, stock is proving difficult to locate and the number willing to import their rabbits is even lower than that. The lilacs are beautiful and I have just located a breeder for them and am looking forward to seeing their beauty in person.

It is my hope to create Gold Pedigree Grand Champion breeding stock to sell to others, that these breeds may survive.

Their cages are much larger than required. You can not house rabbits together for safety reasons, so they all have their own individual cages, as well as both indoor and outdoor play pens with all sorts of toys where they are free to roam for most of their day. I like to keep their lifecycle as natural as possible as I hate the idea of sticking any animal in a cage unless it is for their own safety.

I am also attempting to develop an entirely organic, GMO free, natural diet, with the same foods they eat in the wild, because rabbits that eat more naturally are healthier, happier, have better coats and make for better eating.

Next year, I will be installing an outdoor exhibition area in addition to a larger barn that is specially designed for hosting rabbit shows. This is one area where I decided to really splurge, because rabbits are near and dear to my heart and I want to encourage others to see these wonderful breeds, but also because I can not let others into the areas where I house my animals, because that is a biosecurity risk.

The ducks have yet to arrive, because I have not yet decided on the breed yet. I am considering Indian Runner Ducks, due to their large egg output, but I am also trying to work out the details of installing a pond on my property, as it is more natural than a pan of water that needs to be changed daily and will make for an attractive addition to the land.

Cotton Patch Geese are my geese of choice. They are natural lawnmowers and are completely free range.

I will be introducing Standard Bronze Turkeys this year, along with Gloucestershire Old Spots Pigs.

It is also my hope to introduce Gulf Coast Sheep. I have East Friesian Sheep, which are the standard dairy sheep, but it is my ambition to create a unique cheese from the milk of the Gulf Coast Sheep in order to increase their marketability.

Holstein Friesian Cattle are my cattle of choice. I'm sticking with just one dairy cow, who will be free to live happily in her pasture, well spoiled. I have my own custom old fashioned milk bottles with the cardboard tops and there is nothing better than what I like to call 'tabby milk'. Just something about licking that little creamy bit of milk from the underside of a seal from an ice cold bottle of fresh milk can not be beat. I have no idea why folks today settle for grocery store milk. It is also great for bribing your neighbors.

For historical reenacting, I am attempting to obtain a team of American Cream Draft Horses that will be trained to draw a carriage. While not period correct, this breed is in need of conservation and is the only draft horse that originated in America. They are a beautiful, creamy white and gentle, just like the horses you read about in fairytales. They are very loving and good tempered. The difficulty lies in that there are less than 300 of these horses in existence, so putting together color matched pairs of the same age, size, temperament and training is a difficult undertaking.

I will also be the proud owner of an American Saddlebred Horse, for what I like to call 'joy riding'. It is a historical breed, rode by some of the most famous generals in American History.

Each horse will be fed organic hay that is farmed, cut and stored on sight. The horses will have their own stable and three acres of pasture each to roam as they please, as well as a their own obstacle course and pleasure riding area. They will be very much loved and spoiled. The horses are going to be a project for next year, as it will take time for me to have their stable built and to improve their pastures before I will be willing to take them onto my land. Also, it will take time to locate stock as well as to hire a private trainer to work with me and the horses to turn us into a fluid, working team.

As for my dogs, I have a miniature long haired dachshund. I am also on a waiting list to purchase some Puli dogs, for sheepherding and just because I love the breed. It is also my hope to install a kennel for breeding and for the dogs enjoyment.

I am also a beekeeper with a ten frame Langstroth hive. I keep Coturnix Quail, for their delicious little eggs.

As you can see, my animals are very important to me.
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Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
It would seem we posted about the same time and I missed the info about your growing conditions and living area.

:drool :drool :drool :th:th:hit:hit:duc:hit:hit:th:th:drool :drool :drool

I would love to have your winter gardening conditions.
In serious envy over your growing tropicals throughout the year.
Crying that I can't do the same here.
Need to shut up before I stick my foot further in this discussion and embarrass myself completely.

At least you could tell us you are old, sickly, and deep in debt. That my help dry my tears, stop up my drool, and get my jaw off the floor. Sigh.

:yaPlease forgive my teasing.:ya It is white and cold. :yaI blame the weather for numbing my senses.:ya When it comes to gardening pursuits, :yathe more members the merrier:ya is our motto.:ya Glad you are here.:ya (No, really I am!) :ya

If it makes you feel better, I am young, debt free, but heart sick and lonely because gentlemen who are interested in the same lifestyle I am as more than a weekend hobby are few and far between.


Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
For the curious, here is a partial list of what I have growing.

Green Globe Artichoke
Mary Washington Asparagus
Cantare Bean
Cherokee Trail Of Tears Bean
Hidatsa Red Indian Bean
Dixie Speckled Butterpea
Mammoth Red Mangel Beet
Early Wonder Beet
Golden Beet
Sugar Beet
Extra Dwarf Pak Choy
Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli
Paris Market Carrot
Amarillo Carrot
Dragon Carrot
Snow White Carrot
Red Elephant Carrot
Tall Utah Celery
Perfection Drumhead Savoy Cabbage
Michihli Chinese Cabbage
Tete Noire Cabbage
French Breakfast Radish
Country Gentleman Corn
Oaxacan Green Dent Corn
Bloody Butcher Corn
Blue Hopi Corn
Georgia Southern Creole Collards
Holstein Cowpea
Parisian Pickling Cucumber
Snow's Fancy Cucumber
Delikatesse Cuumber
Florida High Bush Eggplant
Riccia Cuor D'Oro Endive
Di Firenze Fennel
Acorn Squash
Waltham Butternut Squash
Moon & Stars Yellow Watermelon
Texas Golden Watermelon
Strawberry Watermelon
White Sugar Lump Watermelon
Large Red Tomato
Tennessee Red Peanut
Black Seeded Sesame
Variegated Cat Grass
German Extra Hardy Garlic
German Butterball Potato
Yellow Wonder Wild Strawberry
Red Wonder Wild Strawberry
Orange Master Pomegranate
Small Sugar Pumpkin
America Spinach
Golden Zucchini Squash
Giant Musselburgh Leek
Amish Paste Tomato
Forellenschuluss Lettuce
Iceberg Lettuce
Tom Thumb Lettuce
Queen Anne's Pocket Melon
Crane Melon
Charentais Melon
Clemson Spineless Okra
Yellow Of Parma Onion
Zebrune Shallot Onion
Green Arrow Pea
Tom Thumb Pea
Sheepnose Pimento Pepper
Orange Bellpepper
Sweet Red Stuffing Pepper
Cayenne Long Thin Pepper
Leutschauer Paprika Pepper
Tabasco Pepper
Thai Red Chili Pepper
Poblano Pepper
Peach Habenero Pepper
Jalapeno Pepper

There is lots more. I will need to grab my notebooks to see what all else I have growing and what seeds I have, but have not yet planted.

I also have orchards and berries and all sorts of things. I will update this post later for the interested.
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Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
I posted two long and somewhat detailed posts, but they are awaiting moderation, while my other posts have not been moderated. Perhaps because they are so long or because I am a new member?


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)

Welcome to TEG. We have blue lupines here in the Pacific Northwest but they aren't quite the same.

You have a wonderful resource there in Texas, well, a couple of them. One is the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Hi Bluebonnet! So great to have another TEXAN here!! :weeeWatch out for Seedcorn--he hates southerners, so post LOTS of pictures of spring vegetables and winter vegetables while he's still buried under 3 feet of snow. :lol:

I am in southeast Texas, about 75 miles north of Houston. Young? Heartsick and lonely? Because can't find gentlemen interested in the same things you are? Funny you should say that...........I have a son, 31, never married, because he can't find a young lady that is interested in country living. :love:love:love:love


Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score

Welcome to TEG. We have blue lupines here in the Pacific Northwest but they aren't quite the same.

You have a wonderful resource there in Texas, well, a couple of them. One is the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.


Bluebonnets are lovely. I have never been to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I am managing some acres as native prairie, as the natural sea of prairie grass was one of my major reasons for selecting this location. It is a lush sea of colors blowing in the wind and at night, on a full moon, it glows majestically and is truly a sight to behold. It is like a Monet painting come to life before you eyes. I'm installing a garden swing, just so I can sit up and watch it at night in the cool air and moonlight. So peaceful!

There are many resources here in Texas, but another main attraction for me is the history. My ancestors were among the original European settlers to the State and played a part in it's founding both militarily and in government. I was born here in Texas and so were many generations before me. This is my home.


Attractive To Bees
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Bluebonnet! So great to have another TEXAN here!! :weeeWatch out for Seedcorn--he hates southerners, so post LOTS of pictures of spring vegetables and winter vegetables while he's still buried under 3 feet of snow. :lol:

I am in southeast Texas, about 75 miles north of Houston. Young? Heartsick and lonely? Because can't find gentlemen interested in the same things you are? Funny you should say that...........I have a son, 31, never married, because he can't find a young lady that is interested in country living. :love:love:love:love

Someone sent me a private message and told me to tell you hello and I told them that I would not have to, because Texans as so friendly that I knew you would find my board or I would find one of yours and that we would hit it off perfectly like Texans do. It is like we have a natural, built in radar that is set to friendly almost all of the time! :frow

I am 23, so kind of an old maid in terms of not having settled down. Never married and of conservative traditional values.

Please tell me he is single and cute. :love

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Someone sent me a private message and told me to tell you hello and I told them that I would not have to, because Texans as so friendly that I knew you would find my board or I would find one of yours and that we would hit it off perfectly like Texans do. It is like we have a natural, built in radar that is set to friendly almost all of the time! :frow

I am 23, so kind of an old maid in terms of not having settled down. Never married and of conservative traditional values.

Please tell me he is single and cute. :love

;)Well Now This Could get INTERESTNG! ;)

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