I set it to 68. Made a big difference in the morning temperature. Today is a beautiful day with the temperatures feeling warmer than they are -- no wind and sun, sun, sun.
I always did set it higher when the baby grands stayed for our overnights knowing babies don't keep covers on well. My house was set to 64 at night and 68 during the time we were up and home. I kept it at 68 when the grands were here. Later, Spouse preferred it to be at least 71 full time as he was up at all and any hour of the day or night.
With electric pads for the grands, I can lower the heat at night again.
I have an OLD quilt that I found in a barn, it's HEAVY, with that felted padding instead of the batting that I'm used to seeing. I tossed it over the bed and was g.o.n.e.
To me there is just no better sleeping than being in a cold room with a heavy blanket.
The weather has cooled considerably here in the last few days. We had gorgeous weather for my annual Salsa Party---2016 theme was "The Two Towers", because our DD's bought a house 10 minutes away and their crowd split to go gaming there and stay overnight there--its was 69 and 46 and absolutely NO CLOUDS! Remarkable, since we've had waaaayyyyy too much rain this year. We turned off the air and opened the windows and we're hunking in bed at night with an extra blanket. My FAVORITE weather!
Mine too!!! Dipped into the 31* night before last...didn't check last night. Cool in the mid 60s during the day, supposedly 40s at night but we are measuring in the 30s. Mom's had a fire in the stove last two mornings.
LOVE this weather!!!! Crystal clear, little breeze, blue, blue sky!!!
woke up this morning we were 41* before leaving checked the bluefield wv weather they were calling for 36*, put on long pants and took a jacket for this drive got up there was a sign in bluefield saying 31* thank goodness for checking the weather... what a beautiful day driving a big rig.. crisp blue sky, deep green pastures, trees starting to turn...
33 degrees this morning when i looked at my phone. brrrrr..
over the past 2 weeks, i've had to bring the chicks in after each one hatched. i lost 2 to the cold coop & nearly lost 2 more since 1 decided to venture to far from momma & fell out of the pen. found that one & was able to bring it back from the brink of death. the other had just hatched & momma didn't seem to tuck it under her while it was hatching. i pulled that one in time to get it i to heat up with a heat pack, then under the lamp with the others to get it's land legs. between 2 broody bantams i had a total of 13 chicks hatch with 11 running around in my laundry room in a brooder pen. glad i pulled the last 3 chicks this weekend from Lacey. finally all eggs that could have hatched have done so!