Hello From North Florida!


Chillin' In The Garden
Feb 19, 2018
Reaction score
Union county Florida
howdy, welcome from the sunny (not at the moment) mid-Michigan. :)

i have a southern friend who is avid gardner in similar location.

he's been using predatory nematodes to keep the root knot problems at bay and also uses some other biologic control for the grasshoppers. he seems to be pretty busy all year round with his plantings. once in a while the cold/frosts will take something out but he also has covers for protection of some garden beds.

his issues with the soil are the high alkaline level (due to it being pretty much all limestone/coral sand), but adds some acidifiers once in a while to keep his garden beds at a reasonable pH.

his other issue is the water, you folks just haven't been getting enough rains...

those are things i can think of... :) and welcome again...


Thank you for the tips! I forgot to mention that my husband did buy a rediculous amount of lady bugs and released them around our trees. He also bought praying mantis eggs to hatch in order to release around our trees also.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I am in Union County Florida 45 min west of Jacksonville, 45 min north of Gainesville and 30 min east of Lake City. We have quite a few feet of sand then it transitions to clay not very good I guess but I was thinking my best bet was for my greenhouse plants to be in containers and boxes. Thank you for pointing out the location on my profile I really didn’t think about that. Look forward to your advice.
Our soil is also sand, like the beach without the ocean. This is my 4th garden year since we moved here. The first year was a colossal failure, each year gets better. I have used compost and wood chips trying to put humus in the soil.

Are you planning on raised beds? At our old house I gardened in beds and was able to raise a lot of vegetables in them.


Chillin' In The Garden
Feb 19, 2018
Reaction score
Union county Florida
Our soil is also sand, like the beach without the ocean. This is my 4th garden year since we moved here. The first year was a colossal failure, each year gets better. I have used compost and wood chips trying to put humus in the soil.

Are you planning on raised beds? At our old house I gardened in beds and was able to raise a lot of vegetables in them.

Yeah I was thinking of a raised bed green house. I was also thinking to add auto watering sprinkler system. Not that I have money I just have a relative who works with watering systems ( I have no idea what it’s actualy called). He did our yard sprinklers and was talking about some sort of nutient injection system that hooks up to the sprinkler and adds to daily irrigation. He was talking about its uses for lawns which we thought was overboard but I wanted to talk to him about possible greenhouse uses. He had told me something about filling a tank with some type of natural fertilizer and water ( I don’t remember which fertilizer maybe rabbit) and that the system draws the nutrient rich water and over time you can see a difference in your soil. I’m not set on this just thought it might be a good idea.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Welcome Ayla_noemi! This is a wonderful site full of knowledgable nice people. You will get so much help.

Sounds like you are on the right track with raised beds since you have such sandy soil. I garden in the ground. My yard is so tiny that I don't have room for raised beds. It's really just 3 beds 4x4 and another bed that is same size but raised 5".

Looking forward to getting to know you.


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