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Chillin' In The Garden
howdy, welcome from the sunny (not at the moment) mid-Michigan.
i have a southern friend who is avid gardner in similar location.
he's been using predatory nematodes to keep the root knot problems at bay and also uses some other biologic control for the grasshoppers. he seems to be pretty busy all year round with his plantings. once in a while the cold/frosts will take something out but he also has covers for protection of some garden beds.
his issues with the soil are the high alkaline level (due to it being pretty much all limestone/coral sand), but adds some acidifiers once in a while to keep his garden beds at a reasonable pH.
his other issue is the water, you folks just haven't been getting enough rains...
those are things i can think of...and welcome again...
Thank you for the tips! I forgot to mention that my husband did buy a rediculous amount of lady bugs and released them around our trees. He also bought praying mantis eggs to hatch in order to release around our trees also.