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Chillin' In The Garden
I wrote a long response about some of my favorite plants, but it wouldn't go through
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Is there a posting limit for new users?
I wrote a long response about some of my favorite plants, but it wouldn't go through
Is there a posting limit for new users?
I hope you saved that as we would all enjoy reading it.I wrote a long response about some of my favorite plants, but it wouldn't go through
Is there a posting limit for new users?
Nope. If you hit the wrong key while posting your post will erase itself. Happens in WORD, too.I wrote a long response about some of my favorite plants, but it wouldn't go through
Is there a posting limit for new users?
Nope. If you hit the wrong key while posting your post will erase itself. Happens in WORD, too.
If it's something that requires editing might I suggest that you compose on NOTEPAD, then copy/paste.
ANYWAY,from Central IL!
One thing I really like about Swiss Chard is that it often comes back the next year after you planted it as volunteers!Veggies:
All season: Swiss Chard has become a new favorite for greens. I think it tastes good sauted with garlic and soy sauce. I like that it's heat tolerant. While other greens bolted once the weather heated up, the chard kept going. I have a whole section of chard that I call my "charden"
Warm Season: I am a big fan of homegrown tomatoes. I remember when I first tried growing beefsteak tomatoes years ago and they were absolutely bursting with flavor--way better than store bought! This year I'm trying to grow various tomatoes to see what tastes the best (and that grows well here)!
Cool Season: Sugar snap peas were the cool season standout for me. I really enjoyed snacking on those. I didn't plant enough last year, but I saved a bunch of seeds, so I can plant more next time.
Other: I'm trying to growing various varieties of peppers and beans, but I need to wait until those are ready so I can try them and judge what my favorites for those are are.
Trees: I like fruit trees. We don't have a lot of land for a bunch of trees, but we do have a lime tree and it's so nice to just walk outside and pick a lime when I need one! The idea of a home fruit orchard sounds amazing.
Flowers: Nasturtium is easy, edible, and cute. I don't usually eat it, but it's nice that it's an option. They readily volunteer, but they are also really easy to remove if necessary.
Houseplants: I'm not that great with houseplants because my room is darkPothos is doing well in the living room though and has been pretty low maintenance, so that's nice.
I wrote a long response about some of my favorite plants, but it wouldn't go through
Is there a posting limit for new users?
I don't think so.@frijolymoly your long response on fav plants is back one page on page #1. Is that the page your refering to in below quote. This is page #2.