Chillin' In The Garden
I have planted many types of (organic and non gmo) string bean and cucumber plants and seeds for the past four years. I have boxes/raised beds and have tried planting in different ones every year with no success. The plants start off beautifully, I pick one nice harvest then it's down hill from there. First there's a couple of yellow leaves, then small fruits that dry up and fall off, finally in the end, the rest of the leaves start turning yellow. I've done some research and the pics I've found look just like wilts that cukes and beans get. So.....I just finished pulling up my almost dead plants, which are next to healthy corn and squash plants and decided to see if there was a way to mend my soil. Is it possible to kill the viruses that keep infecting my plants year after year? Can I plant herbs that will help the soil get rid of the viruses? I love string beans and cukes and am so frustrated with this happening every year. Should I give them up for a few years? Any suggestions would be very, very welcome.