Garden Ornament
Thanks Karan! We've certainly put a lot of work into the garden, but there's always so much to do. In my wildest dreams I would get rid of my lawn and turn half the yard into veggie patch/orchard and the other half into flower and water gardens. Unfortunately such ventures cost money, and money is something I don't have a lot of. I make do with what I have, and I've been lucky to discover my green thumb in the past few years. Funny thing though, I can't seem to keep indoor plants alive! :/
Hattie, I definitely know that grey, windy weather. I grew up in northern Germany (a small town called Jever near Bremerhaven).
It was always cloudy and grey and the wind was insane! How my grandfather had a thriving veggie garden is beyond me. I'm very lucky in South Carolina. We do have wonderful Spring weather.
The hard part comes later in the summer when we hit the droughts. That's why I'm scrambling to get my rain barrel(s) in, I want to be prepared!
Thanks for the nice comments!
Hattie, I definitely know that grey, windy weather. I grew up in northern Germany (a small town called Jever near Bremerhaven).
It was always cloudy and grey and the wind was insane! How my grandfather had a thriving veggie garden is beyond me. I'm very lucky in South Carolina. We do have wonderful Spring weather.

Thanks for the nice comments!