Garden Ornament
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my Sister, so far she is doing ok, well for someone that can't get out of bed. ( it's making her crazy) She has tests tomorrow to see if the clots are dissipating.

To answer some of the questions: On the boots and shoes: no nothing put inside except wood chips in the toe areas for good drainage, the potting soil and the plants. :watering
AS for the fence garden: yes there are drian holes at an angle from the bottom about every 4 -6 inches, and the end has drain fabric in it. I think DH did a fine job on it. He now has plans on improving on it.
Well I finally got a start on my straw bale gardening. It has been raining today but it broke about 4pm. So off to the duck shed I went with extra bailing twine in hand. Took 2 bales restrung them and got them wheel borrowed to the garden area. And here is how they came out.
1st I put down several layers of newspaper then the feed sacks. The bales and proceeded to make room for soil and Asparagus bean starts.

I started running twine from the bale to the lattice for the bean vines to grow to.

The flower pots are there to help keep the feed sacks from going anywhere. It is raining again now, so wet feed sacks don't go very far. Here is with all the twine done.

There are 10 bean plants per bale. :watering :tools
I am please how it looks so far. :coolsun
Well I am beat
So off to bed I go

:happy_flower Karan

To answer some of the questions: On the boots and shoes: no nothing put inside except wood chips in the toe areas for good drainage, the potting soil and the plants. :watering
AS for the fence garden: yes there are drian holes at an angle from the bottom about every 4 -6 inches, and the end has drain fabric in it. I think DH did a fine job on it. He now has plans on improving on it.

Well I finally got a start on my straw bale gardening. It has been raining today but it broke about 4pm. So off to the duck shed I went with extra bailing twine in hand. Took 2 bales restrung them and got them wheel borrowed to the garden area. And here is how they came out.
1st I put down several layers of newspaper then the feed sacks. The bales and proceeded to make room for soil and Asparagus bean starts.

I started running twine from the bale to the lattice for the bean vines to grow to.

The flower pots are there to help keep the feed sacks from going anywhere. It is raining again now, so wet feed sacks don't go very far. Here is with all the twine done.

There are 10 bean plants per bale. :watering :tools
I am please how it looks so far. :coolsun
Well I am beat

:happy_flower Karan