How ya doin'


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Happy you are feeling better. Yep, we have had several bouts of Crud here. I also get allergy attacks (not sure what triggers them.) But go anyplace and sneeze and people react like you are Typhoid Mary!

hehe, i bet! bright sunlight can cause me to sneeze - watch people run! not really funny, but funny in the way that in the future we'll be able to look back on this time.

triggers for me are dust when the furnace runs but even worse when i clean (which is one reason i hate doing it). biggest help there is that when i'm done cleaning is to rinse out my nose/sinuses, amazing how much crud comes out (same with the other contact allergies i have with things like tree/plant/flower pollens).

right now with the very dry air i just try to make sure i'm drinking enough water to keep topped up.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I feel much better this morning, simmering elderberries on the stove with grated ginger, for elderberry syrup. Looks like DH may be coming down with this crud. The bad thing about getting sick now is no doctor will see you until you get tested for Covid. I don’t have Covid, I have crud. I’ve self medicated with OTC and home remedies, now it’s DHs turn. At least it doesn’t last long. It’s wet, foggy, more rain on the way, just cold enough to be icky, and I need to suit up in Carharts and go do animal chores. I must love my lifestyle, cause I don’t get days off. LOL

yes, that is one of the many reasons why neither of us want animals outside to take care of. we just don't want to deal with the chores and in Mom's case anything with fur or feathers (including people) she doesn't want to deal with any more. she's done her time she says. i understand. i get my dirt therapy via the worms and plants i keep indoors. not too many plants now. no room here at the inn i keep saying. it is looking nicer here though now that i got it dusted and have reorganised a bit. more to do when i getaroundtuit. not today...

hope DH will be ok! get his rest and keep tanked up on fluids.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
@baymule , Texas cases and hospitalizations are continuing to climb. The stats put the state just short of the CDC's highest category for covid-19.

I have experienced the overburdened healthcare system for people with respiratory problems. Never quite recovering from pneumonia in the winter of 2018-19 - as soon as I was referred to a pulmonologist in 2020, things went poof! Two + month delay for the first appointment. Office attempts to cancel the second appointment because they couldn't schedule an asthma test. Attempts that went unrealized by me. So, guess what, they have had over 6 months to schedule that test - fail.

I really was left with the idea that a diagnosis asthma was thought unlikely. At least, that is me trying to read between the lines. So ... I take 2 types of prescribed allergy meds each day, run the air purifier and stay indoors as best I can on days with poor air quality (like today with all the wood smoke from heating in the air).

When they are taking my temp as I'm trying to get into the pharmacy, my answer to questions are always the same, "no change in my health now for the last 18 months, haven't been tested and haven't been around anyone infected that I know of."

A Drag



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
@baymule , Texas cases and hospitalizations are continuing to climb. The stats put the state just short of the CDC's highest category for covid-19.

I have experienced the overburdened healthcare system for people with respiratory problems. Never quite recovering from pneumonia in the winter of 2018-19 - as soon as I was referred to a pulmonologist in 2020, things went poof! Two + month delay for the first appointment. Office attempts to cancel the second appointment because they couldn't schedule an asthma test. Attempts that went unrealized by me. So, guess what, they have had over 6 months to schedule that test - fail.

I really was left with the idea that a diagnosis asthma was thought unlikely. At least, that is me trying to read between the lines. So ... I take 2 types of prescribed allergy meds each day, run the air purifier and stay indoors as best I can on days with poor air quality (like today with all the wood smoke from heating in the air).

When they are taking my temp as I'm trying to get into the pharmacy, my answer to questions are always the same, "no change in my health now for the last 18 months, haven't been tested and haven't been around anyone infected that I know of."

A Drag


have you washed/changed pillows? new soaps? just thinking...


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
have you washed/changed pillows? new soaps? just thinking...
Yeah, when DH had hip replacement surgery last fall, I changed sheets and everything daily, following the hospital protocol to avoid infection. So, not changing every day, but every couple of days. Washing hands constantly, the works. It is chilly, so foggy that I can't see the front fence, icky outside. I'm glad that the animals have plenty of hay, cause I'm in no hurry to go outside and feed them this morning. I did go check on one of the ewes, to see if she lambed last night, but she is being a Jamaica Sheep. Jamaica as in Ja-make-uh-me-crazy!

Still sick, blowing nose like a honking goose, sore throat, squeaky voice when we try to talk, no desire to do anything, although I did wash, dry and put away a load of laundry yesterday, need to change sheets and all that today. Blah.

Our county is hovering at 15% hospital occupancy for Covid. It seems like everyone is sick.

I made chicken soup yesterday with home canned chicken and broth with lots of grated ginger and garlic in it. It was so good! Have leftovers for today!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I think that there is always the potential for respiratory damage. I was the 3rd time that I have had pneumonia. Likely, allergic reactions are more common. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I'm an optimistic person but that's a bridge too far ;).

C -19 testing is fairly simple, according to DD. Maybe we shouldn't pay any attention to her because she is 30-something but she has been in twice for it with negative results, over the nearly 12 months.

have you washed/changed pillows? new soaps? just thinking...
Yes. Over the 2 years. I have had 2 new pillows :D.
