How ya doin'


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
That is a wonderfully funny picture, Carol Dee. I almost spit my morning coffee across the room!

I would guess that it is a mantis. If so, and whether my guess is right or not ;), I'm gonna think of it as a mantis. That would mean, it didn't eat the hole through the leaf - the one that ate the leaf may have been on the mantis menu. Yep! Perfect pose ... How did they find an insect that would lean out and rest an "elbow" on the sill? Ha!

Insects aren't always our enemies. Aphids are once again tormenting neighborhood trees. It doesn't look like it will be bad this year but I'm wondering if the lace wings will be in as short populations as 2020. There just hasn't been enough lady bugs hereabouts to give me confidence.

"Conditions in the drought-stricken Pacific Northwest are about to get extremely dicey. 79.8% of the region is in drought, including 20.3% in Extreme(D3)/Exceptional(D4). A record-shattering heatwave is on the way + increased wildfire risk." federal drought agency

Will this be like the Mt. St Helens eruption. We had all the warnings, still. 57+- deaths.

I'm a little confident, at least, in the short run. That it is June, makes me more apprehensive about the summer and fall. And yet, our outdoor temperatures may exceed any that I have experienced in any PNW summer! It's not quite enough to say that I like hot weather when the thermometer is going way above 100 and in these dry conditions.

COVID? as I said on another thread, in this household - we can't get past the restrictions without defying DW's doctor and taking unnecessary risks.

Running sprinklers here at home and giving things a good soaking. Paying attention to outdoor conditions will make the days more comfortable, I'm hoping. I won't be leaning out any open windows anytime that the outdoor thermometer shows anything much above "room temperature," I can assure you! It would be great for my early morning ventilation routine if we could have our common extremes in highs and lows. Three or four hours of nice fresh air, with digitS' looking out on a green world ...



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
It’s hot and dry. The ground is powder. I worked ewes through the chute today. There are 3 that do not shed their winter wool and they were matted up. I just got hand shears so I clipped those Matt’s off, a few fibers at a time. I was careful not to gouge or cut their tender skin.
I also took fecal samples so I can determine if they need worming or not. There was one ewe that had an infected cut, I had to cut it open, clean and irrigate with iodine. She didn’t like that much. I’ll have to keep it doctored, she is going to hate me, but oh well.
Husband assisted, handing me stuff.

In a couple of days, I’ll run the young ewes through the chute and take fecal samples from them. The sheep that are chronically wormy time after time get culled.

This might sound awful to y’all, but I’m happy to be able to look at sheep poop solution under the microscope to see which sheep need treatment and which do not. It is a wonderful tool for the health of the flock.

And yesterday we brought home 2 registered young ewes for breeding to our registered ram. Gotta wait 4 months for them to grow up a little. I am excited to have them.

Garden needs weeding, story of my life! We need rain soon or I’ll have to start watering.

Taking DH to eat this evening, belated Father’s Day treat.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
How I am feeling about this Weather.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Update: it rained Sunday, just a little. We were working outside, it was a quick shower, then the sun came back out to steam us like a lobster. Same thing Monday. Both days was 3/4” accumulated rain. We were hot, sweaty, dirty, rained on, but we got a lot of little things done. Yesterday we cleaned out the horse barn, dumped loads over the backyard fence to seal up holes dug by Paris, 13 year old Great Pyrenees. She recently decided to be a front yard dog after years of staking out the backyard and side pasture as hers and refusing to be moved. She now resides under the porch.

I bailed and scrubbed the 300 gallon horse tank, stood it up and put Flex Seal over the seam that was dripping. We built up the pad underneath it with more horse manure. Plopped the tank down, filled it and it doesn’t leak any more. Hauled stuff to burn pile, machete chopped poke plants.

Got a storm last night, 1” of rain. Today high of 90 with 96% humidity. Went and got 1250 pounds of feed , unloaded and put away. Took rest of the day off, just couldn’t get
mmotivated. LOL
Fecal tests on ewes and ram went good, VERY low counts, almost non existent. Haven’t got to young ewes yet.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Update: it rained Sunday, just a little. We were working outside, it was a quick shower, then the sun came back out to steam us like a lobster. Same thing Monday. Both days was 3/4” accumulated rain. We were hot, sweaty, dirty, rained on, but we got a lot of little things done. Yesterday we cleaned out the horse barn, dumped loads over the backyard fence to seal up holes dug by Paris, 13 year old Great Pyrenees. She recently decided to be a front yard dog after years of staking out the backyard and side pasture as hers and refusing to be moved. She now resides under the porch.

I bailed and scrubbed the 300 gallon horse tank, stood it up and put Flex Seal over the seam that was dripping. We built up the pad underneath it with more horse manure. Plopped the tank down, filled it and it doesn’t leak any more. Hauled stuff to burn pile, machete chopped poke plants.

Got a storm last night, 1” of rain. Today high of 90 with 96% humidity. Went and got 1250 pounds of feed , unloaded and put away. Took rest of the day off, just couldn’t get
mmotivated. LOL
Fecal tests on ewes and ram went good, VERY low counts, almost non existent. Haven’t got to young ewes yet.
YIKE 90 with 96% humidity You must have to swim and not walk when you go out the door! Weather like that I do not move. You got a lot done in spite of the temps. UGH


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
We change clothes twice a day. Even blue jeans are wet and sticky. We come in around 11-1 and take a heat exhausted nap.
I do that differently. I have my work clothes in an outbuilding. When I go outside to do much or anything I change into the work clothes, then towel off and and change back before I go inside. The fan in there helps some but not as much as I'd like. That helps me not bring dirt into the house and saves my "everyday" clothes.

At 9:00 in the morning it is 85 F, dew point 77 F, humidity 78%. The feels like is 96 F.

For Marie and others' benefit that is a temperature of 29 C with dew point of 25 C. Dew point is when the humidity hits 100%. The temperature cannot drop any lower and you get really heavy dews.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I do that differently. I have my work clothes in an outbuilding. When I go outside to do much or anything I change into the work clothes, then towel off and and change back before I go inside. The fan in there helps some but not as much as I'd like. That helps me not bring dirt into the house and saves my "everyday" clothes.

At 9:00 in the morning it is 85 F, dew point 77 F, humidity 78%. The feels like is 96 F.

For Marie and others' benefit that is a temperature of 29 C with dew point of 25 C. Dew point is when the humidity hits 100%. The temperature cannot drop any lower and you get really heavy dews.

I better quit complaining about weather, but the feel like 112 stuff is over the stop insane. Today at 8 a.m. it is 75, feels like 77, humidity 43%, and dew point is 51. It is predicted to be 95 and feel like 98.

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