Garden Master
If it was me I wouldn't wait until fall. I'd do the deed now! It seems like we always lose our favorite hens. So sorry.
Delawares are good foragers, they range as far as the fence will let them. The Golden Comets I had wouldn't go very far from the coop and would only go far if we were working outside-they came up to see what we were doing. LOL Delawares lay a nice big brown egg, but they are so aggressive to each other and other chickens that they just aren't worth the headache.
I've only had 2 Rhode Island Reds and they were the sweetest, gentle, good laying hens. Right now I have 1 and she is just like that. All breeds have sweet and vicious chickens.So sorry!! Delawares are related to Rhode Island Reds and I won't have either!! RIR's are mean as dirt and I mean the hens as well as the roosters.
I really like my EE's and my EE mutts, but I am very fond of my (Silver Laced) Wyondottes. They hold their own and mine rule their roost over the 10 other hens, BUT, they are not vicious and don't attack other hens, just peck the others out of the way to get first dibs on treats.
They were freebies bc somebody I knew had been keeping chickens illegally and had to rehome them. We ate all of the others bc they were show birds and wouldn't lay well, and two were little roosters.
RIR's are mean as dirt and I mean the hens as well as the roosters.