Garden Master
Like any other breed of any other creature - there are certain 'set in' tendencies and there are exceptions to these. And the expected tendencies can be accentuated or downplayed by environment and such.
I have several rose-comb Rhode Island Red hens who aren't particularly social (with me) but aren't mean to any of the other birds. I don't know if the rose-comb breeding may tend toward a less aggressive attitude?? I have a very large rooster from the same lines that escaped the canning pot because he was hatched with one eye... he was just so pitiful and had worked so hard to gain a place in the flock...
Well, he's got to be every bit of 18lbs now and I can easily walk up to him, pick him up and tote him around.
I have several rose-comb Rhode Island Red hens who aren't particularly social (with me) but aren't mean to any of the other birds. I don't know if the rose-comb breeding may tend toward a less aggressive attitude?? I have a very large rooster from the same lines that escaped the canning pot because he was hatched with one eye... he was just so pitiful and had worked so hard to gain a place in the flock...