May 23, 2010 #21 T the4heathernsmom Leafing Out Joined May 7, 2010 Messages 30 Reaction score 0 Points 22 Location East Texas Any new growth yet?
May 23, 2010 Thread starter #22 vfem Garden Addicted Joined Aug 10, 2008 Messages 7,516 Reaction score 45 Points 242 Location Fuquay, NC Its grow a bunch more vines and flowers... nothing has taken to fruit yet. :*( Just going to watch a little longer before it gets taken out.
Its grow a bunch more vines and flowers... nothing has taken to fruit yet. :*( Just going to watch a little longer before it gets taken out.
May 23, 2010 #23 E elf Attractive To Bees Joined May 5, 2010 Messages 215 Reaction score 0 Points 59 Cantaloupe,cantaloupe, groooo... cantaloupe!
May 23, 2010 Thread starter #24 vfem Garden Addicted Joined Aug 10, 2008 Messages 7,516 Reaction score 45 Points 242 Location Fuquay, NC elf said: Cantaloupe,cantaloupe, groooo... cantaloupe! Click to expand... That is what I am hoping for!!
elf said: Cantaloupe,cantaloupe, groooo... cantaloupe! Click to expand... That is what I am hoping for!!
May 23, 2010 #25 beavis Deeply Rooted Joined Dec 1, 2008 Messages 760 Reaction score 1 Points 128 Location Ramona, California, ZONE 9b Maybe its a Durian
Jun 1, 2010 Thread starter #26 vfem Garden Addicted Joined Aug 10, 2008 Messages 7,516 Reaction score 45 Points 242 Location Fuquay, NC We got a photo of something a fruiting... I think it is saying something... "Hi, My Name is Cantelope!"
We got a photo of something a fruiting... I think it is saying something... "Hi, My Name is Cantelope!"
Jun 1, 2010 #27 beavis Deeply Rooted Joined Dec 1, 2008 Messages 760 Reaction score 1 Points 128 Location Ramona, California, ZONE 9b No, its a cherimoya/kiwi/apple/plum cross for sure....
Jun 1, 2010 #28 hoodat Garden Addicted Joined Apr 28, 2010 Messages 3,758 Reaction score 510 Points 260 Location Palm Desert CA It needs a haircut whatever it is. OMG. It's cousin It dropped in to say hello to the Adams Family.
Jun 1, 2010 #29 digitS' Garden Master Joined Dec 13, 2007 Messages 27,290 Reaction score 34,838 Points 457 Location border, ID/WA(!) Morticia: And our credo: Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc. "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." Not just pretty words. Steve's digits
Morticia: And our credo: Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc. "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." Not just pretty words. Steve's digits
Jun 3, 2010 #30 T the4heathernsmom Leafing Out Joined May 7, 2010 Messages 30 Reaction score 0 Points 22 Location East Texas hmmmmmm so curious