Chillin' In The Garden
There's a Dr I knew there, she and her dd moved out from NY. Her dd and I rode at the same stable for awhile. They lived in Buckley for a while. Starting to wonder how small the world really is. 
I've been wondering, there was (not sure if it's still there or not) a small store on the corner of Cole and Porter in Enumclaw called The Mustard Seed, any connection?? My mom and I used to love that shop...and I liked their coffee.
We have 5 kids, between the ages of 12 and 5...still in the midst of organized chaos. My mom is moving here when she sells her place (Chewelah north of Spokane).
Our list of critters (still growing, but right now)
2 yearling does, goats. Lost my milker this spring.
11 chickens, RIR and Americaunas. I'm switching to Speckled Sussex in the Spring though. Didn't get any meat birds this year.
4 horses, two are just this side of pony for the kids, these will be thinned down when we get a cow.
2 dogs (Pointer and Lab)
2 cats (One Rez cat that wheedled her way into my dh's heart late one night and a Siamese, also a stray from my mom)
Frogs in multitude whenever my youngest son manages to smuggle them inside...he also keeps flies, so I guess there's a balance there. LOL
During the season, we usually do a hog or two for the freezer...not this year dh blew a disk in his neck so we cut back what we normally do. A milk cow is in the cards next spring. You know, over there you can find them in spades, over here it's all range cattle.
I'm trying to talk dh into llamas, or alpacas, I spin and would love to raise a fiber animal. He hates sheep, llamas don't seem to like him very much....leaves me with goats and rabbits for now I guess.
What breed of cows?? Milk, breed or do they just make the pastures pretty?
My aunt and uncle had a pet cow Harriet for years.
I'm really excited for this reunion! My family hasn't gotten together like this in 20 years, we're over due.
I've been wondering, there was (not sure if it's still there or not) a small store on the corner of Cole and Porter in Enumclaw called The Mustard Seed, any connection?? My mom and I used to love that shop...and I liked their coffee.
We have 5 kids, between the ages of 12 and 5...still in the midst of organized chaos. My mom is moving here when she sells her place (Chewelah north of Spokane).
Our list of critters (still growing, but right now)
2 yearling does, goats. Lost my milker this spring.
11 chickens, RIR and Americaunas. I'm switching to Speckled Sussex in the Spring though. Didn't get any meat birds this year.
4 horses, two are just this side of pony for the kids, these will be thinned down when we get a cow.
2 dogs (Pointer and Lab)
2 cats (One Rez cat that wheedled her way into my dh's heart late one night and a Siamese, also a stray from my mom)
Frogs in multitude whenever my youngest son manages to smuggle them inside...he also keeps flies, so I guess there's a balance there. LOL
During the season, we usually do a hog or two for the freezer...not this year dh blew a disk in his neck so we cut back what we normally do. A milk cow is in the cards next spring. You know, over there you can find them in spades, over here it's all range cattle.
I'm trying to talk dh into llamas, or alpacas, I spin and would love to raise a fiber animal. He hates sheep, llamas don't seem to like him very much....leaves me with goats and rabbits for now I guess.
What breed of cows?? Milk, breed or do they just make the pastures pretty?
I'm really excited for this reunion! My family hasn't gotten together like this in 20 years, we're over due.