I'm here in Washington state


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okanogan, WA
There's a Dr I knew there, she and her dd moved out from NY. Her dd and I rode at the same stable for awhile. They lived in Buckley for a while. Starting to wonder how small the world really is. :)

I've been wondering, there was (not sure if it's still there or not) a small store on the corner of Cole and Porter in Enumclaw called The Mustard Seed, any connection?? My mom and I used to love that shop...and I liked their coffee. ;)

We have 5 kids, between the ages of 12 and 5...still in the midst of organized chaos. My mom is moving here when she sells her place (Chewelah north of Spokane).

Our list of critters (still growing, but right now)
2 yearling does, goats. Lost my milker this spring.
11 chickens, RIR and Americaunas. I'm switching to Speckled Sussex in the Spring though. Didn't get any meat birds this year.
4 horses, two are just this side of pony for the kids, these will be thinned down when we get a cow.
2 dogs (Pointer and Lab)
2 cats (One Rez cat that wheedled her way into my dh's heart late one night and a Siamese, also a stray from my mom)
Frogs in multitude whenever my youngest son manages to smuggle them inside...he also keeps flies, so I guess there's a balance there. LOL

During the season, we usually do a hog or two for the freezer...not this year dh blew a disk in his neck so we cut back what we normally do. A milk cow is in the cards next spring. You know, over there you can find them in spades, over here it's all range cattle.
I'm trying to talk dh into llamas, or alpacas, I spin and would love to raise a fiber animal. He hates sheep, llamas don't seem to like him very much....leaves me with goats and rabbits for now I guess.

What breed of cows?? Milk, breed or do they just make the pastures pretty? ;) My aunt and uncle had a pet cow Harriet for years.

I'm really excited for this reunion! My family hasn't gotten together like this in 20 years, we're over due.

The Mustard Seed Gardener

Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Buckely Wa., Pacific Northwest

Your right...the world is small. The Mustard Seed on Cole and Porter is not the same as mine. The meaning is the same though. The Mustard seed is a symbol of faith. God said that if you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed you can move mountains and do many things. Our Mission is called that because we have feed thousands of meals to hungry people in the past 7 years....All were donations of money or food. So with this faith....we keep on feeding until there is no more hungry people in our area.

Our 3 kids have a bunch of kids we have 12 grandkids! (I have no control over my children! :gig
The youngest is 4 months and the oldest is just starting his 2nd year of Pre-Med. I told my grandson that by the time he gets to be a practicing physician, I'll be old enough for him to specialize in Geriatrics! just kidding :lol:

Sorry to hear about your dh and his bad neck. I was hit 7 times by one of my cows a few years ago. I've had 2 back surgries since nov. One with rods and screws .... not fun.
I went to my surgeon in Enumclaw last Friday. My Dr. said I may need more. The very sad thing is that after I saw him on friday he went to his weekend home in the San Juans. Sunday he hitched a ride with a family friend in a little Cessna aircraft. It went down killing both him, the pilot friend and her daughter 10 years old. The little girl went to school in Enumclaw. I'm so bummed about this...What a nice man. His wife and daughter took the ferry home and drove the rest of the way. He was getting dropped off in Auburn at the airport there. He wanted to check on patients at Auburn General before going home. How sad this is. He was also a pilot. His name was Dr. Virgil Becker...he lived on a big farm between Enumclaw and auburn...I'm gonna miss him. Now a new doctor. :( I don't want a knew doctor...I want him.
I've ranted enough...take care :frow

Pakalana said:
There's a Dr I knew there, she and her dd moved out from NY. Her dd and I rode at the same stable for awhile. They lived in Buckley for a while. Starting to wonder how small the world really is. :)

I've been wondering, there was (not sure if it's still there or not) a small store on the corner of Cole and Porter in Enumclaw called The Mustard Seed, any connection?? My mom and I used to love that shop...and I liked their coffee. ;)

We have 5 kids, between the ages of 12 and 5...still in the midst of organized chaos. My mom is moving here when she sells her place (Chewelah north of Spokane).

Our list of critters (still growing, but right now)
2 yearling does, goats. Lost my milker this spring.
11 chickens, RIR and Americares. I'm switching to Speckled Sussex in the Spring though. Didn't get any meat birds this year.
4 horses, two are just this side of pony for the kids, these will be thinned down when we get a cow.
2 dogs (Pointer and Lab)
2 cats (One Red cat that wheedled her way into my dh's heart late one night and a Siamese, also a stray from my mom)
Frogs in multitude whenever my youngest son manages to smuggle them inside...he also keeps flies, so I guess there's a balance there. LOL

During the season, we usually do a hog or two for the freezer...not this year dh blew a disk in his neck so we cut back what we normally do. A milk cow is in the cards next spring. You know, over there you can find them in spades, over here it's all range cattle.
I'm trying to talk dh into llamas, or alpacas, I spin and would love to raise a fiber animal. He hates sheep, llamas don't seem to like him very much....leaves me with goats and rabbits for now I guess.

What breed of cows?? Milk, breed or do they just make the pastures pretty? ;) My aunt and uncle had a pet cow Harriet for years.

I'm really excited for this reunion! My family hasn't gotten together like this in 20 years, we're over due.


Leafing Out
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Tenino, WA
Hi, all,

I'm chiming in from Tenino, WA, about 20 minutes from Yelm, Olympia and Centralia along Highway 507. My hubby and I just moved to the country in April from scary-busy Tacoma, and love it down here!

DH dug me my first "real" garden (about 40x30) and we've planted three kinds of corn, beans, pickling cukes, spinach (total failure), beets, broccoli, cauliflower and onions. We also have pumpkins, tomatoes, bell and banana peppers and zucchini growing in a separate raised garden area left by the former owners of our property. (They also left us peas, some little onions, volunteer chard everywhere and TONS of perennials!)

So far we've harvested a head of broccoli, two little Early Girl tomatoes, and loved the peas. Everything else I'm still waiting on, and am unsure how it will go between our very rocky soil and the dismal start we had to the summer. (But I'm happy to hear you all had the same concerns I did earlier in the season!)

Looking forward to learning lots on the board!

(By the way, we also have 11 chickens and two pregnant Scottish Highland cows, plus our two cats and 3 dogs...lots of bodies to keep us busy!)


Deeply Rooted
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Welcome, amysflock!

My harvest has been nearly identical to yours. I think the only difference is that I managed a few handfuls of raspberries and a few strawberries in there too.

Better luck next year, I guess.


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okanogan, WA
The Mustard Seed Gardener said:

Your right...the world is small. The Mustard Seed on Cole and Porter is not the same as mine. The meaning is the same though. The Mustard seed is a symbol of faith. God said that if you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed you can move mountains and do many things. Our Mission is called that because we have feed thousands of meals to hungry people in the past 7 years....All were donations of money or food. So with this faith....we keep on feeding until there is no more hungry people in our area.

Our 3 kids have a bunch of kids we have 12 grandkids! (I have no control over my children! :gig
The youngest is 4 months and the oldest is just starting his 2nd year of Pre-Med. I told my grandson that by the time he gets to be a practicing physician, I'll be old enough for him to specialize in Geriatrics! just kidding :lol:

Sorry to hear about your dh and his bad neck. I was hit 7 times by one of my cows a few years ago. I've had 2 back surgries since nov. One with rods and screws .... not fun.
I went to my surgeon in Enumclaw last Friday. My Dr. said I may need more. The very sad thing is that after I saw him on friday he went to his weekend home in the San Juans. Sunday he hitched a ride with a family friend in a little Cessna aircraft. It went down killing both him, the pilot friend and her daughter 10 years old. The little girl went to school in Enumclaw. I'm so bummed about this...What a nice man. His wife and daughter took the ferry home and drove the rest of the way. He was getting dropped off in Auburn at the airport there. He wanted to check on patients at Auburn General before going home. How sad this is. He was also a pilot. His name was Dr. Virgil Becker...he lived on a big farm between Enumclaw and auburn...I'm gonna miss him. Now a new doctor. :( I don't want a knew doctor...I want him.
I've ranted enough...take care :frown
They aren't ringing a bell, knew Deckers though. ;) My midwife and inlaws do though. I'm sorry to hear it, for you and them.


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okanogan, WA
My dh ended up going to a neurosurgeon over there because of the nature of his disk injury, no one was willing to touch it here (not the best place for advanced medical). He was referred to Dr. Sanford Wright at the Everette Neurological Center (he does have a website). My cousin also knows about him, but can't afford him, she'd see him if she could. She's got some complicated lower back/disk issues that have gone unresolved for awhile now. He's using some cutting edge techniques that are less invasive than the norm (at least for neck), he goes in through the front so there isn't as much muscle damage/healing and has techniques that can avoid fusion.
It's just a thought, I know some Drs. on this side are familiar with him, he's also selective the cases the clinic takes on. He opted for no surgery for my dh, which while frustrating at the time was the right call. He has healed up well, nerve damage is none. He'd lost feeling in his hand and strength in his arm. That's come back over time and healing...he just can't push himself like he's 17. ;)

Not sure why I didn't think of this sooner, guess life is just too busy these days. Just had 3 bottle calves delivered so all that spare time I've been working into the schedule just got spoken for. LOL The garden is coming in, so canning is starting to pick up. I had plans for starting Speckled Sussex this month but I'm thinking that may need to be put off til Spring. I think I'll end up insane next Spring. LOL

I really hope that you can find someone that can help. I was rear-ended fairly hard a couple of years ago. I have a pretty high pain threshhold but it was a good 2 months before I could drive 10 miles (distance to my drs.) without being in tears and another 6 mos before I could carry a full load of laundry up the stairs from the basement (laundry for 7 on a farm). It ended up being a chain reaction situation and my whole back was involved. I really feel for you, can't imagine being tossed around.

The Mustard Seed Gardener

Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Buckely Wa., Pacific Northwest
Thank you. I can hardly wait til Tues. I'm so glad they upped my appt. I'm praying this guy knows what he's doing and can help me out.

My laundry room is on the same floor as my bedroom. I have a long handled picker-upper thing and grab the colored clothes and put thm in one bin and white in another. Then I push the basket along the floor with my cane into the laundry room . Then I use the picker-upper thing and grab the clothes and put them in the washing machine. What a pain! When my DH is around he does this for me.

We have a gas powered golf cart that has a little pick up on the back of it. We ride around checking the fences. DH took me for a slow ride to the garden yesterday and he picked some cauliflour, cabbage , peppers and peas. Can't wait for the larger tomatoes to turn red. I'm bummed I can't help him this year. The Victory garden for our feeding mission is growing and that will be extra work for him. I know others will help us, but it's still our property and lots to keep in in shape.

I sure hope the fires are far away from you and your family. be safe. Chris :frow