The Mustard Seed Gardener
Chillin' In The Garden
The tests showed that my whole spine is in a degentative state...quicker then most folks. DUH! I could have told thm that! The nuerosurgeon has ordered tests for next Thurs. It's called a myeogram. It takes a few hours all in all. They put some radioactive dye into your spine and then you wait and they take some photos. Then you have to lay flat for several hors because his could give you spinal headaches and bleeding.Pakalana said:How did the appointment go?
The other test is an EMG. They poke needles into your back (or wherever your problem. Then they turn on the elecrodes connected to them! It's not a fun test. You feel like pooping the dictor in the nse when he's done. I've had this on the 2 areas that have been operated on already.
So that's about it. I'm still the same. Maybe these tests will pinpoint the area. He won't give I guess I won't either!
I hope all is well with you and your family and tht those fires stop soon. It's gonna be a hot one today. I pray for all your safety. Chris