I'm here in Washington state

The Mustard Seed Gardener

Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Buckely Wa., Pacific Northwest
Pakalana said:
How did the appointment go?
The tests showed that my whole spine is in a degentative state...quicker then most folks. DUH! I could have told thm that! The nuerosurgeon has ordered tests for next Thurs. It's called a myeogram. It takes a few hours all in all. They put some radioactive dye into your spine and then you wait and they take some photos. Then you have to lay flat for several hors because his could give you spinal headaches and bleeding.

The other test is an EMG. They poke needles into your back (or wherever your problem. Then they turn on the elecrodes connected to them! It's not a fun test. You feel like pooping the dictor in the nse when he's done. I've had this on the 2 areas that have been operated on already.

So that's about it. I'm still the same. Maybe these tests will pinpoint the area. He won't give up...so I guess I won't either!

I hope all is well with you and your family and tht those fires stop soon. It's gonna be a hot one today. I pray for all your safety. Chris


Chillin' In The Garden
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okanogan, WA
The Mustard Seed Gardener said:
The tests showed that my whole spine is in a degentative state...quicker then most folks. DUH! I could have told thm that! The nuerosurgeon has ordered tests for next Thurs. It's called a myeogram. It takes a few hours all in all. They put some radioactive dye into your spine and then you wait and they take some photos. Then you have to lay flat for several hors because his could give you spinal headaches and bleeding.

The other test is an EMG. They poke needles into your back (or wherever your problem. Then they turn on the elecrodes connected to them! It's not a fun test. You feel like pooping the dictor in the nse when he's done. I've had this on the 2 areas that have been operated on already.

So that's about it. I'm still the same. Maybe these tests will pinpoint the area. He won't give up...so I guess I won't either!

I hope all is well with you and your family and tht those fires stop soon. It's gonna be a hot one today. I pray for all your safety. Chris
Oh boy, my dh had to have the EMG for his hand and arm....pretty much the same reaction.

Well, the one big fire over here was arson and they have a sizable reward out, maybe they'll be able to catch someone this year. There's another that started yesterday, just south of us. The season isn't over just yet, but like I say it kinda comes with the territory and we're far enough away there's not much worry. Thanks for the prayers though, we've got t-storms in the forecast and those are what worry me, you just never know where it's going to strike or what's going to spark.
Yep, looks like it's time to hit the 100's. My FIL bought three bummer calves and they came down with scours the day after they got here. So far we've lost one, one really isn't doing well and the other is still up and around. The heat isn't working for us right now. Oh well, you do the best you can and leave the rest to God. They're always a gamble, but I really hate loosing animals like that. We've had a run with animals over the last 6 mos and it's getting a little discouraging.

That test doesn't sound like fun. I had a spinal headache after my 5th was born (bad epidural) followed with a spinal patch, I'd rather do no drugs for a 17 hr labor (did that) than go through that again! I hope it goes well for you and yields some results.


Leafing Out
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, I'm here in Bellingham Washington. Once my house sells I'm moving back to my hometown of Gig Harbor. But for now I'm just 20 minute drive from Canada, and a longer drive to Mt Baker. Till then I'm planting everything in pots. I think the long winter killed me, and now I'm itching to grow things even though I've never gardened before.

big brown horse

Garden Ornament
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound Baby!
Hi Y'all,

Just became a member today...I tripped over here via BYC and then SS and now here!

I'm here in Port Orchard, WA. On a 5 acre mini farm semi-complete with apples, peaches, cherries, a big ol veggie patch (just sprouting), 3 horses (my horse is the big brown one), 2 st. bernards, chickens, rabbits, one fat mad cat and a couple of us people.:p

We moved here from TX in October. Your winter didn't scare us, we still LOVE it here in Western Washington. (If you know any Texans you know they are tough as nails. You gotta be tough to live in Texas because everything is out to get you; mean bugs, mean fire ants, mean heat, mean snakes, mean stinging grass (dont you dare try to lie down in the grass!) etc.)

We have always gardened, however, things are popping up in my yard that I don't recognize, Washington things. For example rhubarb. Out of no where red celery started growing. I told my daughter: Don't touch it until we know what it is! (We are such Texans, we are used to everything jumping up and biting or stinging or poisoning us!):lol:

I am going to be scouring this site for a recipe for anything rhubarb. Like Be Bop and Re Bop's Rhubarb PIE!!:D


big brown horse

Garden Ornament
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound Baby!
The Mustard Seed Gardener said:
Reunions are great! I hope you have a wonderful one. I love reunion, both family and school.
I'm orginally from Staten Island N.Y.! We moved here in 1984. Love the area and the folks. We have 15 acres.

Our dd lives in Sumner, and our youngest ds lives in Bonney Lake. Our oldest in South Carolina. All the rest of our family live on the upper East coast.

We have a couple cows, (pets). 2 llamas, 2 geese, 11 chickens,
2 dogs, 2 cocketeils and one turtle dove.

I run a feeding mission Called The Mustard Seed Connection...we cook meals to feed the hungry! Last night we served 104 hot meals. No time to be bored here! :frow
Good Job!

Do you need volunteers?
