Garden Addicted

Gardening ... and Husbands ... jeesh ... I could tell you stories .. but I won't ...

Oh, just one ... Sweet DH says, "If you grow it you should be able to EAT it!"
Unfortunately, I like to have some flowers also, dear... stay sweet and I will tell you which ones you should not eat ....

Seeing so many gardeners, with big gardens and equipment... and possibly resources that not everyone has access to, can make it all seem overwhelming to someone new to gardening.
I started out with a row of green beans, a couple of tomato plants, and a bush cucumber in a dinky spot behind my garage... oh so many years ago.
Best advice, start small... you will find ways to make it worthwhile over time.
You may find that you are eating more vegetables/fruits because you grew them.
We encouraged the kids to help. They are now excited to grow their own food ... and that is priceless!