Garden Master
They are talking about snacking on the Today show. One anchor wondered aloud if decriminalizing marijuana has added to the increase sales despite a higher food price
I'm wondering about how to increase the flavor of the dry anise hyssop I bothered to buy. The new store-bought lemon verbena is only okay. Nothing beats home grown ... ahem
I have the store-bought peppermint licorice in the mix. It helps but the mint sorta overtakes the lemon. Not bad. I have had my homegrown cold and it's fine. Grab a bottle of Pure Leaf from the store, now and then but ... I gotta really be in the mood for the sugar high. Like – really rundown from Summer heat and outdoor work.

I'm wondering about how to increase the flavor of the dry anise hyssop I bothered to buy. The new store-bought lemon verbena is only okay. Nothing beats home grown ... ahem
I have the store-bought peppermint licorice in the mix. It helps but the mint sorta overtakes the lemon. Not bad. I have had my homegrown cold and it's fine. Grab a bottle of Pure Leaf from the store, now and then but ... I gotta really be in the mood for the sugar high. Like – really rundown from Summer heat and outdoor work.