Garden Master
the upper table will be for the long term seedling<tomatoes,peppers,eggplant,etc>....
the lower table will be for spring seedlings<lettuces,bok chio,kale,cucumbers,melons,etc>.....
next years gardens will be busy, lot of fresh veggies, with a main focus on replenishing the pantry/freezer .. already told the dw with both of our work schedules, this winter we need to purchase another pressure canner and propane burner. even with staggering plantings one canner will not able to keep up...
Cupboards are bare after your year of garden sabbatical? Can't have that now! Hey, but at least it left you more time for fishing.
I think I am ready to upgrade to a big girl canner now, too. My grandpa bought me my 1950's model National #7 at a yard sale and it was good for learning on, but I can so much now and have so little precious time, I need something to make the work more efficient. Plus for what I've put into gaskets, I could have bought a new one by now! Nothing makes me madder than to get halfway into canning a batch only to realize the gasket is leaking.