Deeply Rooted
Chicken math has struck once again (I was not planning on any egg layers this year)- here is what is on the list!
Egg Layers/Lawn Ornaments:
2 Anconas
2 Mottled Houdans
2 Salmon Faverolles
(All due April 15th from McMurray)
Meat Birds:
60 Cornish Cross (due tomorrow from Schlecht's!)
10 Red Rangers (due April 15th from McMurray)
60 Cornish Cross (due July 1st from Schlecht's)
I already have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Gold Sex Link, 2 Blue Andalusians, 3 Speckled Sussexs, 3 Black Australorps, 3 Columbian Wyandottes, 3 Welsummers, and 5 Easter Eggers. I am excited to add a few newbies to the mix. I lost a quite a few birds last fall and this winter due to age and drastic weather changes (those darn finicky Andalusians!) and it hasn't been the same. I have a big coop and it seems kind of empty :/ I can't wait for spring to see all the little buggers running around the lawn once again! It makes my heart happy to open the run door and have them crowd around me to get their treats. Oh and the cute babies aren't so bad either
Egg Layers/Lawn Ornaments:
2 Anconas
2 Mottled Houdans
2 Salmon Faverolles
(All due April 15th from McMurray)
Meat Birds:
60 Cornish Cross (due tomorrow from Schlecht's!)
10 Red Rangers (due April 15th from McMurray)
60 Cornish Cross (due July 1st from Schlecht's)
I already have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Gold Sex Link, 2 Blue Andalusians, 3 Speckled Sussexs, 3 Black Australorps, 3 Columbian Wyandottes, 3 Welsummers, and 5 Easter Eggers. I am excited to add a few newbies to the mix. I lost a quite a few birds last fall and this winter due to age and drastic weather changes (those darn finicky Andalusians!) and it hasn't been the same. I have a big coop and it seems kind of empty :/ I can't wait for spring to see all the little buggers running around the lawn once again! It makes my heart happy to open the run door and have them crowd around me to get their treats. Oh and the cute babies aren't so bad either