Garden Master
@Smart Red are you growing BSM this year?
I tried starting them twice this year with no success from seeds I ordered in 2013. Now I am looking for the seed I saved myself in hopes of getting some growing or at least germinating so I know there is viable seed for next year.@Smart Red are you growing BSM this year?
There are difficulties for small growers to deal with in selecting. How many plants do you have to choose from?
I've got quite a bit of room but about 30 varieties. I don't think I have more than 4 of any heirloom ... the red, early Kellogg's Breakfast, I'm trying to work the kinks out of.
It is kinda silly out there! I'm harvesting tomatoes by the bucketful in August and September. I put one in my shirt pocket and it goes behind the pickup seat, maybe on a piece of paper with the variety name written on it.
Later, I can get that tomato into the house by itself. The good thing about the bother is that I know what it is, sampling is fun, and seed saving just amounts to making use of what is left on the cutting board. Which fruit I saved may be coming from only one plant!
It would really help if the universities got into this sort of thing! They could be choosing from dozens of plants of the same variety. I wonder if there is any land-grant university that takes an interest in heirloom tomatoes?
I have a vivid mental image of people running screaming and ducking to avoid being splattered by tomatoes and squash launched from a catapult in your yard. A big lit up scoreboard with points-all awarded to Journey11, clearly the winner!The other problem for the small grower being who is going to eat ALL of those tomatoes?!I've had years where I've been throwing tomatoes (and summer squash) at people as they run from my house. LOL