Lickbranchfarms 2021 GardenThread



Rain, rain, and more rain....I think they may have gotten a little ice up Majors way, down here.....a soggy mess. Any way since i couldn't get outside and do any work, I tackled another project i've been needing to get too. Normally I work outside till dark and then come up to the house and try and get as much as I can done on the farm house remodel. Well being able to stay on task all day, stuck inside, I was able to get a big obstacle completed.



A very cold wet miserable day here, thankful for just rain. I 've got a feeling Major may be dealing with more of the frozen precipitation we were projected with. Anyway, kinda spent yesterday getting ready for the cold, making sure the animals were ready, my side kick wanted to shoot his rifle, but We did get the seed potatoes cut and ready. They are predicting 60 degree plus dry weather next week. Im hoping to get my Taters, and english peas planted next Saturday :celebrate



Garden Addicted
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
A very cold wet miserable day here, thankful for just rain. I 've got a feeling Major may be dealing with more of the frozen precipitation we were projected with. Anyway, kinda spent yesterday getting ready for the cold, making sure the animals were ready, my side kick wanted to shoot his rifle, but We did get the seed potatoes cut and ready. They are predicting 60 degree plus dry weather next week. Im hoping to get my Taters, and english peas planted next Saturday :celebrate

What's your source of seed potatoes? Just stock from the previous season? My wife has asked about growing potatoes for a few years now, but we've always had so much going on that I didn't want to have too many experiments going on, but I think this will be the year, but now I need to figure out a proper source so I don't just assume I did a good thing and end up getting a crap crop


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
What's your source of seed potatoes? Just stock from the previous season? My wife has asked about growing potatoes for a few years now, but we've always had so much going on that I didn't want to have too many experiments going on, but I think this will be the year, but now I need to figure out a proper source so I don't just assume I did a good thing and end up getting a crap crop
Do you have a garden center that sells seed potatoes by the pound? You should and the cost should be about 1/10 of the cost of mail order, plus you don't pay shipping. Since it's an experiment I'd get maybe 5 pounds of seed potatoes and see how it goes.

I don't know what varieties grow well in Minnesota but I'd stick with a basic variety the first year. Do some research and see what varieties that would be. What kind of potato does your wife like, red skinned or white skinned? Maybe the yellow? My garden center has very little selection but has the basics, Kennebec for white, Pontiac Red for red, and lately they have Yukon Gold for Yellow. That's all they sell, none of the "craft" varieties. If she wants, get 2 or three pounds of each. You might be surprised at how productive they can be if they do well.

The seed potatoes they sell may have been treated with chemicals to break dormancy so they will sprout. So do not eat them, just plant them and grow them. Do not feed to animals.

It's been a while since we had a thread on growing potatoes. You can search but it might be good to start a fresh one. I don't think it's that hard but there are a few things about growing, harvesting, and storing them that might be good to revisit.


Garden Addicted
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
Do you have a garden center that sells seed potatoes by the pound? You should and the cost should be about 1/10 of the cost of mail order, plus you don't pay shipping. Since it's an experiment I'd get maybe 5 pounds of seed potatoes and see how it goes.

I don't know what varieties grow well in Minnesota but I'd stick with a basic variety the first year. Do some research and see what varieties that would be. What kind of potato does your wife like, red skinned or white skinned? Maybe the yellow? My garden center has very little selection but has the basics, Kennebec for white, Pontiac Red for red, and lately they have Yukon Gold for Yellow. That's all they sell, none of the "craft" varieties. If she wants, get 2 or three pounds of each. You might be surprised at how productive they can be if they do well.

The seed potatoes they sell may have been treated with chemicals to break dormancy so they will sprout. So do not eat them, just plant them and grow them. Do not feed to animals.

It's been a while since we had a thread on growing potatoes. You can search but it might be good to start a fresh one. I don't think it's that hard but there are a few things about growing, harvesting, and storing them that might be good to revisit.

A lot of the garden centers around here pander to uh.... executive wives, if you catch my drift. I'll ask around and have even contacted the local U Extension Master Gardner for my county to ask about sources and varieties that are good for this county, so I hope that gives me some info.

I've heard that some varieties will be sprayed to trigger breaking of dormancy or sprayed to hinder it, which is why you shouldn't just grab any tater to use that you buy from a store.

Yeah, I was searching for some threads on taters and it felt like it's been a long time. Maybe I'll spin one up


What's your source of seed potatoes? Just stock from the previous season? My wife has asked about growing potatoes for a few years now, but we've always had so much going on that I didn't want to have too many experiments going on, but I think this will be the year, but now I need to figure out a proper source so I don't just assume I did a good thing and end up getting a crap crop
I sourced my seed potatoes through Hoss tools, they are a little pricey, but they are Blue tag certified. I wish i could save seed potatoes from year to year, its just to hot and humid around here, and I dont have a proper root cellar, maybe one day.



What about the house remodel? Are you moved in?
We have moved in, living in one part of the house right now. Im finishing up on the smaller of the bedrooms so we can get out of the rear portion of the house (actually its a finished back porch Lol) The area we are in now will eventually be our wash room, washer,dryer, storage etc. Its huge, maybe 15'X25' We also have another room that most of our stuff is stored in that is finished that will eventually be a sort of canning/freezer storage. Its also pretty large, i plan to put shelves in, and use it for our canning supplies and such. Our custom kitchen cabinets are being installed this week with granite counter tops, once they are finished i will get you an update on everything. Here's the latest video of the farmhouse remodel, favorite :sick
