Lickbranchfarms 2021 GardenThread


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I consider potatoes a cool weather crop so planted them as early as I could. If they get frosted or you have a freeze they can get bitten but should grow back from underground. When a freeze of frost was forecast I'd cover them with old sheets, that helped, but I had less than a 20' row, nothing close to 240'.

I started planting the seed potatoes with a 1' seed spacing. After the first row I stretched them out to 16" or so to insure we had enough to get through all 3 rows.

It will be interesting to see what kind of difference you get in harvest with those different spacings. And how much the different spacing affects how you care for them. Any difference in work load?


I tried to document as much of the planting as i could so at harvest i could tell if any of the spacing made a difference for the good or bad. I think after the initial planting the workload will be the same, im hoping to do most of the cultivating with the tractor, thats not a big deal, side dressing will be done by hand, but other than harvesting, i dont see any additional workload.

I planted first week in March last year, and they were slow to germinate, but when they did it was pretty consistent down the rows. They got bite with several frost but like you said it burned the leaves a tick but they bounced back from it in no time. I think as long as the ground doesn't freeze, they can take a few cold snaps.


We've had some great weather here past few days, the nights are still a little cool, had frost this morning, but for the most part temps have been hovering around the mid 60's during the day. After the potatoes were in the ground we jump on the english peas. I planted a variety called Mr.Big. I Put them on 50' double rows so roughly we'll have 200' of english peas. The seed spacing is 3-4" and the row spacing is roughly 36". They will be trellised eventually, and I will also be installing drip irrigation with the trellising.



Felt real good outside this weekend, me and young grasshoppa were able to get the first of many new raised beds built and installed. I'm still working on getting it filled up with compost, but Im in no hurry, my peppers won't be able to go out for another 4-6 weeks.



Been enjoying the spring time weather around here, most recent video we did was of my Son and I rescuing a tired ole Farmall Super A from a barn just outside of town. Older gentleman passed away some years back and the tractor just sat idle for years. Once the property changed hands my son was able to make a deal with the new owner and we brought the Tractor home. It will be immaculate when he finishes it i promise you.



Moved the temporary chicken run out of the cool season plot, turned everything in, run some rows and got all of my cabbage and Broccoli planted. Cool spell coming in this weekend, temps dropping down into the lower 30's. I m thinking they will be ok. After this cool spell we should have the green light for tomatoes, corn, squash and beans!



Jace and I planted another row of potatoes, this time we planted one 80' row of Yukon gold. This will be the first time I've ever planted this potato variety, will be interested to see the results.


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