Garden Master
IF cereal with milk is a good breakfast, how is a slice of apple pie, not a good breakfast? Or make mock apple crisp with zucchini and/or eggplant. Vegetables, oats, brown sugar--healthier than cereal.
I don't do Facebook, but my third graders make roses like this every year out of clay. Cool idea to use apples.Have yall seen the apple roses that are all over facebook lately?
When I was a kid we got Shredded Wheat, (you know, the ones that come in big bales) , oatmeal or plain old Cheerios.
I loved spending the night at a friends house where they had Cap'n Crunch, and Lucky Charms. I can still feel the roof of my mouth, all tore up and with some kind of greasy coating from the Cap'n Crunch. I wouldn't have had it any other way either.