Loyalty To Spouse

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert

The terrorist wife knew he wasn't coming back, the Mode of Operation is to kill as many as you can than kill themselves. She had no worry about herself or the kid.

Trying to imagine you husband or wife planing to commit a mass killing in the manner your culture do that, cannot be done, we were not brought up and never lived that way.

Would you rat on your spouse? For robbery ? For murder ? How about for treason ?

The term: Rat or ratting out is Criminal Jargon as say~ two guys who are crime partners pull off a crime and one is caught for that crime or another one, then he or she, Rats his partner out, for one reason or another.

It doesn't apply very well to a civilized person knowing friend or family member had gone insane and intending to murder. For if the murders were prevented and the killings Did Not Happen, no on would die not the Victim or the Person Who Was Reported who planned to Kill.
If a person were arrested for planing murder he would be questioned and examined by a shrink. If that same person were allowed to kill, they would kill themselves or be killed by the Law or and Armed Citizen.

What do you think? What would be best for the person who was reported And the intended Victims?
Having considered this, what would you do?
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Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
The muslims all claim that their religion is peacefull. Yet, have we heard a single word on the media from the muslim religous leaders that mass killings are condemned and totally wrong ? However, I have seen and heard on the media quite a few of their religous leaders incouraging death to the infidels.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
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Eastern Panhandle, WV
The Quran, quoting from those who have studied it, commands its followers to kill others who do not follow the Quran...in detail...as in "smite them above their necks". If these so called peaceful Muslims are speaking out against the killing of those not in their religion, they are not following their own doctrine and are pretty much like those who profess Christ but do not follow His commandments as spoken in the Bible...can't really call themselves Christians.

Sorry...that dog wont hunt. If they are following their religion as true Muslims, they are not peace loving, nor do they advocate for peace with infidels. If they are not true Muslims, then, one cannot take their words as representative of that religion.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
I’ve been trying really hard to not get too involved in these political threads, just on rare occasions giving references to facts where I can without expressing an opinion. And here is one both political and religious. I’m bound to really aggravate many people. But at some point if you remain silent you give people the impression you agree.

First the question was why aren’t Muslims speaking out against the violence. The simple truth is that many are. Nothing political there.

The Christian Bible has been used to justify discrimination based on race, sex, and other things. I’m not going to bother giving references to prove this, if you are unwilling to believe it no amount of evidence will change your mind. Women should be subservient to men, it can be found in the Bible. Darker skinned people are inferior to lighter skinned people. Joshua clearly committed genocide at Jericho so you could say that the Bible condones genocide. If you really want to you can read whatever you wish into the Christian Bible. Why can’t some Muslims read whatever they wish out of the Quran? They can and they do. Others read other things.

As a side note, were you aware you are already probably familiar with 24 of the 25 prophets of Islam? They are in your Christian Bible. Names like Moses, Adam, Abraham. Check it out, don’t take my word for it.

According to some estimates, there are about 1.7 billion (1,700,000,000) Muslims in this world. In my opinion, a few radicals are trying to turn this into a war against Islam. If they succeed they get 1.7 billion soldiers as a gift. In my opinion, statements and attitudes like Bee’s are helping the radicals that commit these atrocities recruit new soldiers. They are aiding and abetting the enemies of my country. Again in my opinion, the way to stop this is to convince the Muslims that are not yet radicalized that we are not their enemy, not help them recruit more soldiers.

I’m not naïve enough to not recognize the problems Iran poses. Many Saudi’s are big supporters of these radicals. So are many other Muslims. It won’t be easy. But I think we should be trying to win it, not give aid and comfort to our enemies.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
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Long Grove, IA
I’ve been trying really hard to not get too involved in these political threads, just on rare occasions giving references to facts where I can without expressing an opinion. And here is one both political and religious. I’m bound to really aggravate many people. But at some point if you remain silent you give people the impression you agree.

First the question was why aren’t Muslims speaking out against the violence. The simple truth is that many are. Nothing political there.

The Christian Bible has been used to justify discrimination based on race, sex, and other things. I’m not going to bother giving references to prove this, if you are unwilling to believe it no amount of evidence will change your mind. Women should be subservient to men, it can be found in the Bible. Darker skinned people are inferior to lighter skinned people. Joshua clearly committed genocide at Jericho so you could say that the Bible condones genocide. If you really want to you can read whatever you wish into the Christian Bible. Why can’t some Muslims read whatever they wish out of the Quran? They can and they do. Others read other things.

As a side note, were you aware you are already probably familiar with 24 of the 25 prophets of Islam? They are in your Christian Bible. Names like Moses, Adam, Abraham. Check it out, don’t take my word for it.

According to some estimates, there are about 1.7 billion (1,700,000,000) Muslims in this world. In my opinion, a few radicals are trying to turn this into a war against Islam. If they succeed they get 1.7 billion soldiers as a gift. In my opinion, statements and attitudes like Bee’s are helping the radicals that commit these atrocities recruit new soldiers. They are aiding and abetting the enemies of my country. Again in my opinion, the way to stop this is to convince the Muslims that are not yet radicalized that we are not their enemy, not help them recruit more soldiers.

I’m not naïve enough to not recognize the problems Iran poses. Many Saudi’s are big supporters of these radicals. So are many other Muslims. It won’t be easy. But I think we should be trying to win it, not give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Well said.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
There is something some call collateral damage.

The "incidental" killing of bystanders and innocents radicalizes people. How could it not? We see it in the US with every terrorist attack. It has happened and will happen everywhere - violence breeds violence.

Fear and reactions to it, that is the greatest weapon of the terrorist.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Jews and Muslims are both children of Abraham. And we know how children squabble don't we? Christians are gentiles that are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. We ALL worship the same God. Let me repeat that.....we ALL worship the same God. The God of Abraham is the God of the Jews and the Muslims and the Christians. What we are is people of the Books. Same God, different books.

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