Meanwhile at the lower ranch ~ the gate was left open ```

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
I cannot imagine it cannot be treated.

These things exist in human and animals ~ some things are treated by what we and animals eat ~ and we ~ well ~ are not told to give water soluble meds to our wild horses ~ so of course I would never, never do that ~ like I would never stand with a rifle ~ while a mare is birthing ~ to keep the coyotes away ```

Mustang hooves are stronger that domestic horses ~ so mustang owners usually run them barefoot ``` They don't have many of the weaknesses domestic horses ~ you can understand why ```

Well ~ enough of that ~ cat ~ there are a lot of people out here who spend and give time and money to look after the horses ~ we were taking pictures of a band in Stagecoach ~ this lady pulled up ~ and told me not to bother the horses ~ I told her: Sorry mam ~ I'll leave right now ~ God love her heart ```
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
So they are wild. Do people catch them and train them? They are so beautiful and healthy looking. No shoes no vaccinations. Likely they do not live as long as domesticated horses. But them seem to have a great life.

I text daughter that I had put a filly in the corral ~ I was just kidding ~ she text back : Do Not Put any of them in a corral , leave them be! ~ I said OK ~ I'll let it out ```


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Valley ... I was born and raised on a farm and raised my family on a horse farm... so I dealt with horses from breeding , foaling , training , riding, showing to final goodby almost every day of my life. My father was a Veterinarian and later taught Freshman Vet. students at a major Veterinary University Teaching Hospital. I also worked at the same University Teaching Hospital Pathology Dept. with Senior Vet. students and PhDs. We did research projects on ranches, to wild animals on range lands, to slaughter houses as well as original research for genetic blood typing with rabbits, chickens, sheep, donkeys, horses , and cattle . So I just may know a wee bit more about horses as well as other animals than you. I tell the real scientific facts of life instead of tall fairy tails such as from mouths of pita and other self proclaimed ,self-serving wanna be "experts".


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Ha! A conspiracy theory :D. Treatment of the horses might be seen as not worthwhile.

I thought I could tell @thistlebloom that I had been in the Little Owhee a couple of times. No. It is east of highway 95 and I was left. Looking at the map, I was made to wonder about the name "Massacre Lake." What massacre?!

Well, if you do a Google search with that phrase and "Nevada," you find an anthropologist asking the same question.

Turns out that he could find no evidence of a wagon train massacre despite a story that surfaced in the early 20th century about a 1850 Indian attack on Oregon-bound settlers on the Applegate Trail.

Reports from the 1880's was that cowboys thought that a mass grave had been found. Within a few years, the idea had been debunked. The excavation had been a cache and it was empty of not only bones but whatever else had been stored in there. Debunked but not before the lakes were named ;). The placename apparently still causes confusion and sensational notions with no historical evidence.

Cowboys. Ya know ;).


valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Lots of us were raised on ranches ~ it gives us no authority ~ you are expressing kinda mean ~ religiously held belief aimed at free creatures

bm ~ You've never gotten over your fear of horses ~ now a deep resentment ~ you slant,aim at every opportunity ~ your energy against creatures whom you begrudge ```

They don't talk about you like that ~ as soon as you're out of sight you're out of mind ```
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Quote: Digits
I thought I could tell @thistlebloom that I had been in the Little Owhee a couple of times. No. It is east of highway 95 and I was left. Looking at the map, I was made to wonder about the name "Massacre Lake." What massacre?!

Massacre Lake ~ was named in the memory of a pioneer party killed by Indians. The massacre got little attention as Papers in the East where romanticized bad treatment of Indians by Federal Government and settlers in the wild west were popular. The men and boys were killed and chopped up, women taken as slaves and the well stocked wagons looted. Another story is that the families in the eastern U.S. never had friends and relatives leave and travel west with a large number of wagons, animals and material to start a new life in the west. Talking of Indian attack is frowned upon today in favor of inhumane government treatment of indigenous people.
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valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
There are groups like : Mustang preservation League ~ If anyone sees a sick or injured mustang or Burro ~ they ride out or get to the animal and help ~ by sending a vet or do it themselves before the animal is killed by coyote of BLM ``` We very seldom see the sick sometimes injured ~ animals are pulled out of a band at times ~ vets do volunteer time ~ they are not disease ridden creatures ~ that is a just a myth spread by persons ~ who have chosen to deeply dislike our horses and mules ~ and they are ours ~ yours and mine if you're American ```

We went yesterday to bring tools to a guy installing flooring in a home ~ the area was kinda small community like ~ 100 or so houses built in the middle of nowhere ~ the backyards were fenced ~ Inglish gardens ~ paved streets with gutters ~ there was a lovely pile of horse flowers on the front lawn ~ the person didn't mind ~ but I'll bet some do ~ but I can imagine some might ~ thinking of the horsed as giant mice ~ messing up their world ```

I've never met a person who lives around wild horses that dislike the mustang ``` Most who hate wild horses are afraid or see the horses as competitors for land or forage they want ~ even if they have no hope of getting that land or forage ```

The most pathetic is the one who fears ~ they are the most aggressive ~ and ~ want the "object of fear" dead ~ along with any who try to protect their nightmare of childhood ~ in the case of wild horses ~ the horse becomes the spider or snake that is after them ~ in dark places ~ under their bed ~ always wanting to bite their neck ```

Anyway ~ that's how we sees it from here ~ May the Lord calm and reassure the fearful ~ quench that angry fire ~ and ~ have them look with thanks to their own healing ```