
Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I am appalled that your husband's company cut off his insurance. This is why we need unions. A union might have paid his insurance.

The whole thing was just a nightmare. I think his job is the one that told him to go on Medicaid. Others told him about disability and we know 2 men on disability but their wives work and they get insurance through their wife. I was only parttime and had insurance through DH. DD and I went several months without insurance and ended up costing on our tax returns. It was so hard to keep up with all of it.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Mary, I am so overwhelmed by all of this that you are dealing with. I don't have any advice to give you, but I totally agree with Bays statement.
All you can do is take it a day at a time.

Big hugs to you and yours. :hugs

I talked to DB last night. He is like me, just live. If I want to sell later for whatever reason sell and do what I want. If I live here forever and real estate goes up then the house would be worth more than what is owed Medicaid and the rest could go to the kids. The only thing I was worried about was DS and this being his home but hopefully he will marry and have a different house long before I am gone. Really, even if this had not happened with DH, and it was me here and I needed to go to a nursing home, it would have happened anyway. I might not want to live here forever. This house is a lot of work.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I am very sorry to hear you getting hassled by the govt. my opinion is just put it aside for awhile and be with your family, that stuff is not going anywhere. You can always pick it up and work on it another time down the road. You have enough on your plate right now, no need piling that on also. My mom been on Medicare for long time for mental illness they have put a lien on her 250 acre property and we are figuring out what to do little by little, it takes time. I would just work on your garden plans, seed starting, and spend time with family right now.

I agree and thank you. I hate to hear about your mother and property. Such a loss if it happened.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Here's what I just went through with Medicaid.
My pop and his wife went into a nursing home. They could keep their house and 1 vehicle, even though they didn't live in the house or drive.
My step mother passed first, about 2 yrs ago, and my pop passed last Nov.
My brother had never moved away form home and was considered their care giver until they went into nursing care.
According to Medicaid since he was their care giver and that was his full time home the home passed to him and was not used to pay down what Medicaid had spent on their nursing home care.
I do know that he had a lawyer when we were messing with getting them eligible for Medicaid.


Thank you for the information. If DH has needed full time care for 2 years it might have went that way for me, but he was still working and driving up until May. He only needed full time care for a few months.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
October is a bad month for my MIL, having lost her husband that month and with his birthday and their anniversary back to back.

I agree, you and your children can only press forward, keep your home and plant your garden and enjoy it. Not like we can take any of it with us anyway. You have our love and prayers. :hugs

Thank you Journey. You have been through a lot too with what happened with your dad.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
"Single Payer" means the government decides who gets what. That is what they have had in GB since the 1950's. That means that it is RATIONED. Only very wealthy people, those that fly to other countries, like the U.S.A. get prompt service.
This article is a small window to understanding how bad "single payer" has become.
When I was a small child we paid directly for medical services like you now pay for dental services or services.
Single payer is fraught with fraud and bureaucratic abuse and neglect. Un-elected officials make all of the decisions and you can't get rid of them.
@Gardening with Rabbits, start calling attorneys. Many attorneys who don't handle this kind of case will direct to those that do. I can't really ask for specific advice from the attys that I work with bc you live in another state. Give your search a couple of weeks. If you hit a brick wall, PM me and I'll see what I can find out for you. Prayers sent for your comfort. :hugs

Thank you d4y. I did call a few and they referred me to one that specializes in this. They are booked out until March. I will call back and make an appointment. Idaho is a state that is aggressive in recovery.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Mary I was a regular in a support group for several years. I kind of "graduated." It was of real help :).

This one might be for you:

Women’s Support Group (for widows only)
4th Tuesday of each month at 10:30 AM

LOCATION: Hospice Community Building
2290 West Prairie Avenue
Coeur d’Alene ID 772-7994 LINK

This is the one they took DH to from the hospital, so he died at this place. I get things in the mail with schedules for meetings and things. I also talked with several women on the cancer board i belonged to and they lost their husbands. They did not seem to be getting over it. I felt myself getting sick a couple months after DH died. I had read about the surviving spouse getting sick within a year of losing their spouse. I decided I had enough. I think it was when I found out DD was pregnant right at 3 months after his death. I realized how she needed me and to be mentally sound and DS, so stressed with all this and he does not need to be homeless and moving in with other people if something happened to me. I started feeling better and not sure if I had some flu going on or what, but mostly very tight muscles in my neck and shoulders. When I heard about the baby, I decided to get the sewing machine out and shocked how much I liked to sew. I started feeling almost normal and very happy, planning the garden, fixing the house, sewing. I have decided to take sewing lessons at the Joann store in CDA. I have always been a very happy person even when bad things happen. I was raised by blind parents who never ever once complained of being blind. My dad got out of bed whistling every morning. I am a lot like him. I am kind of the cheerleader for DB, DD, DS, and the world. Lol. I thank you so much for all the information and support. I am going to keep on going and plant my garden and who knows the future.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
You made the decision to pick yourself up, dust off your pants from getting knocked flat, and get on with living. You have too many others in your family that love you and need you, than to grieve yourself sick. Some people never get over a loss and stab themselves daily with grief. Your family needs you and I love your attitude of being their cheerleader. Just know that people here on TEG care about you and you can come here and unload. We will listen and let you vent, rave or just quietly tell us what is going on in your world. :)

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