Chillin' In The Garden
We've got some really high winds here too. Hope it'll help dry up some of this mud! Still have snow, but not in the drive or around the buildings. I can actually see some of my flower plants out front 
I know what you mean about the time change...yawn.M.sue said:Morning ,
Still dark out there & I'm trying to adjust to the time change. Talked to DH about planting asparagus & I think were gonna give it try. Haven't looked at the weather forecast for today but hoping it's just as nice as it was yesterday.
This is awesome........RustyDHart said:Good Morning, Here are some of my Dahlias from a few years ago on my farm.....about 2,000 plants. Hoping to get started early this Spring.....For those interested in Dahlias....Go to the Flower/Rose section and check out the Dahlia thread I started.....Tons of info and feedback from several interesting people. Thanks, Rusty Hart (Irish Acres)http://www.theeasygarden.com/forum/uploads/7566_dahlias_8_30_2009_030.jpg
Well, I'm in Texas but I just wanted to say that I also planted Mary Washington, which is a very old open pollinated variety . The "Jersey" types are all-male hybrids which supposedly produce better, but since I planted 30 crowns for 6 people I think I'll have enough. Plus I can collect seed from mine, if I want to.M.sue said:OK.....at work & sneaking this in.....Talking about gardeninig & planting with a client, they informed me that there are different varieties of asparagus like there are various types of tomatoes, melons, peppers, etc....lol I already knew that!! Anyway for those of you have planted....What type did you plant and do you perfer one brand over the other? This particular person had the Mary Washington variety.