morning grrrrrr


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
update 12/8/18..........well here you go
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it's been a 5 weeks since the owner of the remodeler came out and promised the moon... after 2 weeks he called and said that the insurance agreed to the proposal we received a copy of it, after both of us really started to look at it the numbers were not adding up so we called him only to get voice mail,..

after 3 weeks sent him a text to call me 2 days later he called back told him that some of the measurement were off, mainly the vinyl and no mention of installing new lower and upper cabinets just replacing the busted up ones... he said that all the figures are off a bit and he would have a revised to insurance and us by weeks end.... asked why the vinal was 41 sf off, he was going to install it after the lower cabinets were install..... told him the sheet goods come in 12' and the kitchen is 11'6" and i wanted it wall to wall.... while on the phone he said he would be out wednesday to go over the new proposal and he wants to start in 2 weeks....we called the insurance to see if he did put in a revisement.. nope friday called him back told him the insurance has not received his new bid, and till we here from them that it would be best we hold off

week 4 no call no show.... we had enough of his sh!t so a friend said that he has a friend that does this type of work called him yup he can do it all, told him that we will pay for all the materials and he would need to pick them up and i usually have the client pay and pick up ready for me to install... let me think about this and i will call you back...have not heard from him....

week 4 1/4 dd aid that her friend amy dad has a friend that does remodeling took about a week for him to get with us...been out of town and yes he would like to come over and yes he can do everything dw said that needs to be done.. so the earliest appointment would be ...12/8/18 today we really hope this person can do it....

week 5... so in the meantime we called around to other remodelers... oh no we dont work on manufactured homes... guess they are to stuck up..
so this morning after going out for breakfast we went to a flooring company very nice person, the first thing i asked do you install in a manufactured home?...yes!

great lets talk they has the green carpet and a nice oak plank sheet good, handed him my sf figures and what the insurance was allowing he said yes we can do that. i would still need to come out and do my own measurements want to make sure we can say with in the limit and if we can do it under you will save some money...
so he will be coming out next this point dw and i dont care if is over we want floors....

as for appliances they will be here next saturday fridge, range and water heater 30 gallon.. did pick up water heater drip pan today.

as for cabinets and countertops thats been fun, the place where we are going to purchase them asked for a detailed measurements of the existing cabinets after a couple opp's we have all the upper and lower cabinets picked out way with in budget for just replacing the lower cabinets and countertops all hardwood and plywood, not like the box stores hardwood and pressboard.. leaving the door hardware up to the dw....

so for the next week we will still be living out of ice chests, weather the rest gets done before christmas or not we are going to have a wonderful christmas dinner.

as of today we are going on 100 days of morning ...grrrrrrr

oh you are probility wondering why there is a fan on the floor, the fridge side stop working but the freezer side kept working till tuesday and the drip pan underneath the fridge was full of water and we did not want any water getting on the bare floor...

I couldn't like this. Y'all sure have got the royal screwing on this whole deal.


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
I couldn't like this. Y'all sure have got the royal screwing on this whole deal.

we are seriously thinking about getting on every web site and just rip this mans company, granted that we never signed anything with him.....

you screw us.. oh lord we are going to royally screw you,


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
we are seriously thinking about getting on every web site and just rip this mans company, granted that we never signed anything with him.....

you screw us.. oh lord we are going to royally screw you,
Google his company and name, with the word review. It may bring up review pages where you can post a review.


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
if you were closer i could have sent a plumber your direction. we have a friend that is a licensed plumber that has helped us out a lot over the years. somethings i've learned from him too. pex isn't hard to work with & my whole house was redone with it just before we moved in here. we basically had to do a rip & strip here in the kitchen anyways so we worked with a blank slate with cabinets, flooring, sink and water heater (original went just as we were starting some of the rehab.) friend works part time at Home Depot too so he got us some good deals on scratch & ding stuff and a returned counter top for $50!


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
well the meeting this afternoon went well he said everything that we were asking for was straight forward he would do the figures and get back to us.
did ask him about replumbing the house as if it was his own forever house, he said sweated copper was the way to go even with high iron and magnesium....

how about that some ears must have been burning the owner of the other remodeler was texting dw, she told him that we have moved on, he texted back that he would be sending us a bill?
i called his cell of course it went to voicemail, basically told him thank you for your time and your free estimate and proposal and it would in your best interest not to send a bill....

at this time i'm just waiting on his response....humm my ammo
angies list
north carolina licensing board
north carolina contractor fraud division
forsyth county fraud division
and since he does work in virginia... the feds


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
north carolina
Wait what do you mean IF YOU GET A XMAS BONUS ?

the owner bliss his heart gives out x-mas bonus... based on your leight of employment 100.00 per year up to 10 years <have been there 20 years so 1000.00>
now there have been years that we have received no or half bonuses... as of sunday received a full bonus 938.00 taxes taken out... dw talked with sil her dad did a timber sale last month, theres a check in the mail for 5k... what timing we can us it....

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