Garden Ornament
It's that time of year here in E. Tenn. when my garden is winding down. No rain in 3 weeks has really taken its toll. I might get a handful of tomatoes yet and the okra is still podding. I really can't complain since it is supplied me with numerous jars of tomato juice, salsa, tomato sauce, pickles, jellies, frozen veggies and chili sauce. The freezer is almost full and the pantry is pretty well stocked. 
Now my thoughts are turning to sweet potatoes, pumpkins and pears. I'm already deciding what I will do differently next year and making plans for greenhouse sowing in February.
It's been a good harvest.:tools

Now my thoughts are turning to sweet potatoes, pumpkins and pears. I'm already deciding what I will do differently next year and making plans for greenhouse sowing in February.
It's been a good harvest.:tools