Garden Master
You're not running a retirement home for old farm animals, lol. Were it their money, time and dedication that went into feeding and raising those animals, they'd figure out fast that these are not pets.
My sister and her husband took up farming this year. They've had 3 bull calves born out of the 3 bred cows they bought. I am really curious to see how this will go. They've also got over 30 laying hens too. Jumped right in with both feet. We came up Saturday before last to teach them how to butcher chickens and did up 4 cockerels. My sister wouldn't touch it. She got sicked out while I explained to her what equipment she needed to gather before we got there (which wasn't set up before we got there, btw...) They sent me by their house this Tuesday to get a container of cole slaw they forgot to grab for a family get together. There in the fridge I found the 4 chickens we had butchered over 10 days ago. She never got around to putting them in the freezer! I told her, well, they're coyote bait now.
People get used to buying neatly packaged, nameless, faceless meat from the store. They have no inkling what went into raising and butchering it, no respect for what it took to get it to their plate.
My sister and her husband took up farming this year. They've had 3 bull calves born out of the 3 bred cows they bought. I am really curious to see how this will go. They've also got over 30 laying hens too. Jumped right in with both feet. We came up Saturday before last to teach them how to butcher chickens and did up 4 cockerels. My sister wouldn't touch it. She got sicked out while I explained to her what equipment she needed to gather before we got there (which wasn't set up before we got there, btw...) They sent me by their house this Tuesday to get a container of cole slaw they forgot to grab for a family get together. There in the fridge I found the 4 chickens we had butchered over 10 days ago. She never got around to putting them in the freezer! I told her, well, they're coyote bait now.