n95 dust masks


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Seed, you nailed it and didn't realize it.
What don’t I realize? What I left out is the rampant drug use of the common laborers. When they get run over on the lot, truckers are told to keep moving as they are illegals and who will not report them to the police.-2 reasons illegal and high.


Garden Master
Jan 27, 2013
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north carolina
funny how i mentioned the yesterday that 80 is the new 65, during lunch today read an article. how the pandemic is getting <not going to get into that..>

rather theres a new pandemic in every state....speeding!!!!!!
since there are less cars on the road people are more incline to go a wee bit faster and accidents are increasing.. as @Lickbranchfarm mention you really need to keep your head on a swivel..

a normal driver will only keep a eye in front 5-6 cars ahead on them, now you have to keep an eye out 6-7 cars behind you...you have to read their driving language skills...

they should make it mandatory before you get your first license" the smith system of driving" every time they renew their driver license they should be required to say all 5 steps before they rubber stamp your license....

1. Aim High in Steering
Look 15 seconds into your future. (Don’t just look at the vehicle in front of you)

2. Get the Big Picture
Look for Hazards. (Other Motorists, Pedestrians, Vehicle doors opening)

3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
Don’t stare. (Use your peripheral vision)(Stop the fixed habit stare)

4. Leave Yourself an Out
Monitor the space cushion around you and your bike.

5. Make sure They See You
Use your signals- (Directionals, 4-Way Flashers, Head Lights, Brake Lights, Horn, Hand Signals) Make Eye Contact.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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For me, the most frustrating thing is IF the experts are correct, all this has been for naught. Now they are saying it’s mutated again, ready to attack again. (In China where they just bit the bullet, got sick, weak died-know this sounds awful-they are over it, no relapse). I’m hoping the USA experts are wrong. I’m going to live my life, not take any stupid risks and put my faith in God.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
This week my company has made it mandatory that all mechanics that work within 6' of each other on projects wear mask and gloves at all times. We as a company have been processing 100's of loads of un-processed chicken from all the major poultry plants in the state. They come in bleed, plucked and uneviscerated. When i say 100's of loads to put it in perspective, we have been processing 45 truck loads a shift for 3 shifts everyday for 2 weeks now. This is just to de-populate the market we are being told. From what im hearing our plants out west and on the east coast are dealing with the same thing with Hogs and Cattle. when this is over there is going to be a huge void to fill and it wont happen over night.

i'm not sure what you mean by "processing" like turning them into fertilizer or animal feed?

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
UGH. AirBnB is laying off 25% of their support staff - 1900 people world wide. Most of my measly income comes from the vacation rental management of a friend's home. I've had no guests in March, April, and all of May and all of June have cancelled.

Uber is laying off 14% of their San Francisco support staff - 3800 people there.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Just made my first trip out for anything since this stay-at-home started other than my weekly grocery trip. I did wear a mask. And I used disinfectant wipes.

First stop Petsmart. I tried their curbside pick-up. You cannot call in your order you have to go online to their website. OK. According to their site the store I use did not have the dog food I wanted in stock. They were supposed to have the doggy waste bags brand I use (extra thick) but that was not available for curbside pick-up. So I had to go inside. They did happen to have the dog food I wanted, even in the 47 pound bag. :thumbsup But they did not have the waste bags I typically use (the ones their website said were in stock in that store) so I chose another brand, also extra thick. A bag of dog bribes (treats) and I was good to go. Checkout was OK, at least she wore a mask and laughed at my joke.

Next stop was Lowe's. I was able to find what I wanted. Self check out was a bit more crowded and uncontrolled than it had to be but not too bad. Just be patient.

I went by Walmart since I was in the area. I didn't need anything in there but there are a couple of nice-to-haves I get there. There was a line of about 30 waiting to get in. Some of those 30 were individuals, some pairs, each well spread out. That Walmart is obviously trying to manage the social distancing and limiting how many are allowed inside. I did not stop, not for a couple of nice-to-haves.

Next and last stop was the grocery store where I get my alcohol. Yes in south Louisiana you get your booze in a grocery store. The grocery store we now use for our weekly grocery hopping does not carry my brands, so I got a two month supply. Also a couple of other items my wife wanted that were not at out regular grocery yesterday. They had a lady stationed at the entrance spraying and wiping carts. The cashier wore a mask, but only when she had a customer. It wasn't that crowded.

I already knew you cannot trust any online inventory of what is actually in the store. That is an old lesson. I had another one reinforced. I called that Petsmart yesterday when I noticed they did not have that dog food. The lady that answered the phone said she thought they had a couple of big bags, did I want her to put it aside for me. I said no, I'm not coming by until tomorrow. When I called this morning I got a guy. He insisted that he could not put an order together for me, I had to do that online. When I explained the online problem he was gobsmacked. He actually stuttered duh, duh, duh a few times. No help whatsoever. While some people evidently think that every employee of Petsmart, Walmart, Tractor Supply, Wendy's, or any other chain are clones and act exactly alike, I found out long time ago that some are a lot more helpful than others. It depends on who you get.

Now a rant. My typical toddy is Jack Daniels Black. The grocery store we now go to carries Jack Honey, Jack Fire, and Jack Apple. No Jack Black. To me that shows how warped we Americans have become. You can't stay with basics, things that work. Everything from a snickers bar to Jack has got be re-branded and updated. It has to have some kind of twist or tweak. Basics and standards don't cut it anymore. I know that makes me an out-of-touch old fogey but I consider that your problem, not mine. :plbb

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Your descriptions of the processes at the chain stores is very different from the same stores out here.

Lowes and HD: counting the customers coming in and going out - only one entrance and the other end of the store is the exit. Only two check stands opened and that is at the designated exit. Very very long line to check out, but two associates were scanning the items on the carts and then handing us a slip to hand to the checker, so it went very quickly.

WM: again designated in and out. Filled with associates doing the on line ordering gathering and also assoc wiping down everything in sight. All self service stands and service stands open, but associate wipes down the pin pad, the scanner surface and the hand held scanner that sometimes has to be used, between every customer.

Love good bourbon/whiskey. Its been quite a few years since I could enjoy any - Makers Mark was my fav back then. Straight or with some ice and water if hot outside.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Why most do not believe numbers. Local nursing home had 2 positives Monday. By Wednesday, they had 60. Re tested, false positives, yet the CDC is still counting them as positives.......the 2 had slight flu symptoms.