Ridge, what made me get there was that I got a ride to Ukiah to take the shuttle bus to San Francisco. I wanted to get it done for months but had no ride out.
Beautiful foggy almost rain weather there! Just like a postcard of san francisco!
Yes, I actually was, and still am for awhile, on the end of my reserves. All that pain along with my hyperthyroid burning me up was hard, and we had the big general meeting too.
I had the worst tooth pulled, and they yanked it in record time! A molar, no stitches. It was the one directly over the swollen gland that hurt so much together.
It was definitely a classic Neanderthal molar! Instead of the double root, the 2 forks of the root were fused, wide and thick, all the way down.
A good night rest here in the Motel, and hopefully my ride will be here in the morning, else I walk 40 miles uphill. Lol!
How you enjoying the foggy rain NinnyMary? I love it!
This was the 1st thread I opened. I wanted to see about Severe Weather news. I thought I'd better check for poisonous snakes . . ! Thought I'd better find out if Journey was upset with me for mentioning snakes in the grass on her tiller thread. Wanted to know what Skeeter was doing with her pole beans. Enjoyed looking at BJ's veggie pictures again on Major's garden picture topic . . .
You gotta take care of yourself. I am very sorry that vehicles play such an important role in our modern lives. I am once again grumbling about Exxon taking all the value out of my "productive" activities. However, if you gotta get 40 miles down the hill and 40 miles back up again . . . there doesn't seem much choice.
Yes, Marshall this weather is kind of weird but I like it. I think it's good for the garden. Sure wish I lived closer so that I could help you with transportation.
I'm home!!! Lloyd came and got me with his grandson, and then they checked on their boat.
Raining pretty good up here! Did a rounds on the docks and emailed reports to the board about how much water is on their tarps or in the boats. All boats are alright. One uncovered small aluminum boat is listing to aft but is in no danger. Will monitor them all.
Peeper is so glad I'm back. Suzi did real good checking on them. Peeper made his "peep" sound to me several times. In british shorthair cat language "peep" or a small chirp mew sound means pop or dad. Clevland mrrz and vrrrz at me. In abyssinian cat language that means I missed you.
I thought you were doing the whole job-with store bought choppers and all. Aren't you just going to go through this all over again? Are you able to chew your delicious veggies OK?
Cat, getting the choppers is what I wanted to do, but my Veterans Affairs dentists have other plans. So, to get dentures soon as possible, my body is letting the teeth go bad 3 at a time now. That's how I see it. I now have 14 and a half teeth left. At 3 every other month, that's about 10 months before none are left, that's when the dentures will happen I guess.
I begged and pleaded for them to take 3 teeth out yesterday. I even offered to find some dancing girls for them! I did. It was a serious offer! I offered a bribe too, an extra hundred bucks under table cash, but noooooooooooooooooo.
Maybe if I offered them dancing chippendales? lol!
Oh you poor thing! You have to deal with the Veterans? All they want the older veterans to do is die, go away for good and leave them alone. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Have the Veterans take care of your teeth or dig in your pocket for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 'Tain't fair. I'll stop here or I'll get on my soapbox and never shut up.
I am glad you are back home and minus at least the worst tooth. When can you get a ride to go back and get another pulled?
Are you serious? They would not give you new teeth? Could you have your teeth taken out by a local dentist and then have the VA get you the teeth? Or are there any dental schools around that do the work cheaper? At what point would the VA replace them? Dental health is so important for overall health. Though I really am not shocked I am saddened that our vets get substandard care.
I am a veteran. What I see is that the "they" you speak of are actually different "theys" in different clinics. The eye clinics for example are very interested in keeping "us vets" alive and healthy, even to the point of calling in the world's top specialist from England.
On the other hand, the "theys" in the dental clinics, some of them are what you speak of. The actual dental dentists each have their own attitudes though, and though they only took one tooth yesterday, he did it so well and quick and painlessly that I shook his hand and asked for him to do my appointment in August.
Yes, I know well of what you speak. You should be in on the conversations in the shuttle bus.
There is no group who wants a better PEACE than veterans! Even the toughest gnarliest marine veteran, officer or nco, will have wet and moist eyes when speaking of holding handfulls of dogtags.
I believe veteran shuttle bus conversations should be recorded for posterity. Stories get told that do not make it to tv or movies. the not glamorous things. Stories that have no point, but do have an end. "Jack was in his bunk asleep. I went to the latrine. came back and in a flash there was only broken stuff where Jack was"...that was what one vietnam vet said...someone answered he hates war, everyone said yea, mhm, one amen, even a young vet in the bus looked up...
Some of us vets live very long lives, amazingly so. We learn those things that did not kill us...so we are stronger, older but a depth of toughness in us hard to describe. My bosses and others, they seem to think I'm fragile. I'm not such a thing. yea, older, slower, sometimes hurting, but it is actually a worry...that I outlive them all as a person outlives a horse.
Yes, there are still WWII vets. One airman was there. He had not one, but two home care givers. Those two guys looked to me like gang members, real tough and sharp eyed. Maybe that's why he hired them to take care of him! No mamby pambies took care of that strong man. No sir.
Yes, there should be non vets on the shuttle busses to listen to the real scoops. Even us non battle vets have stories. The DMZ of Korea, the time 16 soldiers were helicoptered to the hospital while I had bloody dysentery. A hand grenade had been lobbed over the fence into their truck. It did not make the news. Sick as I was, I felt guilty for only having bloody dysentery while some of those guys died. that was 1977, about a year after the panmunjon incident...