Need some strength


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
What is on top of the chicken coop, hanging over the nest box? Is it part of the roof?

On freezing nights, take the water hoses off. Do the water faucets have cut off valves? If you don't know, take a piece of rebar or something that you can push in the ground in the vicinity of the faucet. The idea is to push it into the soil, if you hit something, it might be the cut off valve or the underground pipe. They usually have a plastic cover over them, but can get covered with dirt and grass. When you find one (if there are any) and uncover it, then you usually have to dig dirt out of it so you can turn the valve off.

Buy some split foam pipe wrap. Put it on the exposed pipes and tape with duct tape. I had a Labrador chew off my pipe foam wrap one year. I bought some more and put it back on, wrapping with duct tape again. But then I wrapped the pipe with the duct tape, backwards with the sticky side out. Then I rubbed the sticky tape with cayenne pepper. Dog left my pipe wrap alone!

Since the compost pile is attracting the dog, stop putting things in it that attract him. Maybe compost in a metal trash can? Or move compost pile and put a pallet fence around it? Pallets can often be had for free.

The foam faucet covers will work if you take the hose off and put them flush against the wall. Where the faucets are sticking up out of the ground, those won't work. Wrap with the pipe foam, then wrap faucet with a large towel that you don't care about. Sprinkle with black pepper and cayenne to keep the dog from chewing it off.

30 years? And he dumped you for "the other woman"? I can't help but think that she did you a favor. If you are hurt, I certainly understand, but I didn't have 30 years invested, only 13. After knocking on "her" door and the ex answering the door, I left. You are better off without him, go on and have a real good life. I'm here for you any time you need to talk.


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
I'm really sorry that you've been put in this situation. However, you're going to learn things and accomplish things and be so proud of yourself in a year or so. :hugs

There is a product called Great Stuff that is in an aerosol can. If the chicken coop leak problem is caused by a gap where that wood hangs over the next box, a bead of great stuff will stop that for a season or two. It's cheap, easy, fast. It's NOT pretty and not permanent as it will eventually dry out and need another coat. But will get you through this winter.

I second the electric wire. It's super easy to install and if all you're trying to control is a dog (not livestock or ward off predators) then it's pretty cheap because you won't need a huge, expensive charger that runs miles of wire. A system designed for pets is often under $100 - sometimes way under.

Hoses - if you need those hoses through the winter, find something that is shoulder high near wear you will store them between uses. Each time you finish with them, disconnect each end and pull them over the high spot (tree branch, fence board, stack of lawn chairs...) as you coil it up. This will force water out the open end so the coiled hose won't freeze. If it does - the fastest way to thaw it is to drag it in the house and toss in the shower. Turn on the hot water and go have a cup of coffee. By the time you're done, the hose is thawed, you've gotten over the temper fit of finding it frozen and kicking yourself for not draining it, and you can get back to whatever chore you were doing. ;)


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Hi all, esp Baymule (my hero lady). I need some strength. Hubs has done all the repairs and projects for 30 years. Now that he has abandoned me and this wrecked house, I need to do the projects.

1. Garden: surrounded on one side 40' long with plastic fencing. Three other sides board fencing and cattle fencing. Bad red cattle dog keeps getting into humongous compost pile. Today he came in with rancid croutons breath. I cannot afford to replace the 40+ ft of plastic fencing. He's made a hole in the fence and I've woven sticks thru it, tied it up with string, etc. Suggestions?

2. One year old coop is leaking from the roof down to the nesting boxes and then seeping into the coop floor. I need to clean it out, place a heater on it for a couple of days. I need a gutter which I can buy at HD and bring home. Approx 8' which I'll somehow jam into my Toyota Venza and out the side window. How do I attach the gutter? Are gutters plastic? Can I slant it down on one side to let it drain?

3. We do have freezes here. A few weeks ago it got into the 20's and all of the sprinkler timer battery stations slowly exploded over that week. I found where to turn off the main water to the lawn, but there are still areas of PVC piping that are active. I don't know how to turn them off. Are these styro covers effective?

Gonna go take pics. Thank you for your advice.
Are you saying your marriage has suddenly ended? So sorry.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Where, oh where, is the LOVE button.

I'm all over Amazon right now, then off to HD. It got down to 27 last night. Will thaw the hoses today, and drain and put away. Will buy a gutter and some silicon to put in metal thingy. By Gosh, we've got a dozen of those metal thingies here, since Hubs is a painting contractor and I know how to use them.

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