Need some strength


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
As you get the back log of things done it should make you feel better. If you can get a good extension cord out to the hen house a heat lamp or 100 watt incandescent bulb will put off a lot of heat. Cover any windows with plastic.
You do NOT want an uncovered light bulb! That is a real fire hazard bc EVERY form of bedding is flammable. I put a 75 watt light on a timer inside of one of those hanging electrician's work lights for my birds a few years ago, to extend their day. I wanted it for eggs, kinda like this one.
It produces more heat than you would think. I hope that you fixed the leak. That will cause problems down the line.
Even broodmare barns only heat to 45 degrees F bc you do not want to make the temperature too warm, else your birds won't grow the necessary feathers.
I do not heat my coop, nor do I heat my barn or blanket my horses. My 4 blankets gather dust as we speak, but they are on a shelf right above the grain in the grain room, at the ready.
Just some FYI.
I DO have an extension cord and a cover where it meets the cord for a heated dog water bowl, which keeps water even at -20. I picked up a new one recently, just in case the other one dies, so my birds always have water in the wintertime.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
You do NOT want an uncovered light bulb! That is a real fire hazard bc EVERY form of bedding is flammable. I put a 75 watt light on a timer inside of one of those hanging electrician's work lights for my birds a few years ago, to extend their day. I wanted it for eggs, kinda like this one.
It produces more heat than you would think. I hope that you fixed the leak. That will cause problems down the line.
Even broodmare barns only heat to 45 degrees F bc you do not want to make the temperature too warm, else your birds won't grow the necessary feathers.
I do not heat my coop, nor do I heat my barn or blanket my horses. My 4 blankets gather dust as we speak, but they are on a shelf right above the grain in the grain room, at the ready.
Just some FYI.
I DO have an extension cord and a cover where it meets the cord for a heated dog water bowl, which keeps water even at -20. I picked up a new one recently, just in case the other one dies, so my birds always have water in the wintertime.
My light hangs at a safe distance but there are cages to put over your bulbs.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I just picked up a heater for 5 gallon plastic buckets at tractor supply 14.99
For What purpose? I used a heated dog waterer for my chickens. When it stopped working I just decided to give the chickens fresh water 2 times a day. Having the hydrants from the well is a God send in the winter.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Goldfish pond need hole in ice for gases to pass. I have a pump and air stone but not enough on really cold nights

That's a good idea.
My husband uses one at work to keep water in his tile saw from freezing, and to warm water for mixing mastics and grout.
It seems that he gets an outdoor stone job to do every year when the weather gets bitter. :\


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
For What purpose? I used a heated dog waterer for my chickens. When it stopped working I just decided to give the chickens fresh water 2 times a day. Having the hydrants from the well is a God send in the winter.
Just pick up a new one. There are less than $20.00, keep the water liquid and I clean mine out every day and fill with fresh water. I kept the heated water bowl through the summer from last winter bc I liked the height above a cinder block for my birds to drink. I frankly am surprised that it still works. Regardless, even when it dies I will still use one for bird water. I will just cut off the cord when it no longer works and switch out every season.
Next year I am promised a building over my well/cistern. I have heard that the cistern is 25 ft. deep but we cannot access it needs a new pump. I plan to build it 6 1/2 ft. tall at the apex, put in a window and a bench for a small early Spring greenhouse, and build spaces for storing horses and sprayers and to put a heater in it that will kick on at about 40 degrees. We already have electricity that runs to it, but we don't use it. I had that done when my electrician buried the line that hung from the house to a pole, then to the barn.