New property owners again


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Over the top, Moi? I'm sorry, but I can't allow a difference of 1/8" between floor levels. I already took care of it anyway. I scabbed onto the existing joists and elevated the new joist 1/8" for a nice flush floor. it may not matter under a carpet floor with heavy padding, but it will under the floating laminate. Trust me on this.

In other news, I crawled under the home and disconnected the guest tub. It's now ready for removal. Actually, I couldn't get the trap loose so I cut it with a sawzall. Do not mess with a man with power tools. To my surprise, when I cut the belly material, the first thing I saw was yet another snake skin. I have no idea how it got in there. There are only a few small openings in the belly, so it must have found a way up there. I have to get an excavator in there to clean the place up outside and get rid of the snakes. I dread the day Dew walks into the kitchen to find a 6 foot black snake hanging out on the counter :lol:...uh I mean :(

Also, the carpet, linoleum, and cabinets arrived today. I have to get creative to make the cabinets work. But...I have a plan. The new counter top arrived too. It's going to look great with the paint Dew picked out. To my dismay, it will look better with her color choice than with mine :(

Most of the damaged floor in BR1 is repaired. There is still one corner that has to be replaced, but I have to remove the guest tub to get it all. Just ran out of time this weekend.

Finally, I got on the roof today and found that all it needs is re-coated. I didn't find any holes, but suspect the leak is from water getting in the seams of the metal roof. I have the roof coating, but I need 24 hours of dry time to spread it on.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
SW Washington
Ladies ... when one is making a repair ... duct tape goes only so far as in fix and repair daily afterwards . So , it is best to do it right the first time ! Monty J and the rest of the husbands mentioned here are DEFINATELY on the RIGHT TRACK ! :old

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Right-O, bobm! DH get especially verbal when he gets to "repair work" in old houses that was done wrong or sloppily some time in the past. "Do it right or hire someone to do it right."


Deeply Rooted
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
West Virginia
Todays update:

I am on vacation this coming week. The boss wasn't thrilled, but he would rather loose me for a week than loose me forever. I got a good jump on the house today. I got up at 5:00am and had my coffee, chomping at the bit to get busy. By 7:00am I couldn't wait any longer. It was too early to start the generator. I only have one neighbor left on that end of the property. That's Dorothy, a nice elderly lady. I didn't want to make too much noise that early in the morning, and the genny is loud. It was also too dark in the house to work inside, so I started taking down the ratty chain link fence between the new property and the one I already own. It's down, but I have to cut it out of the weeds to get it completely out. Then I have to dig up the posts which are concreted in.
After that I took some time to sand and stain a couple of the upper cabinets in the wood shop. I think they will look very good.
By the time that was done, it was late enough to run the genny. I then spent several hours removing the old, cracked tub, toilet and vanity from the guest bathroom. The floor under the tub was not as bad as I feared. I repaired it, and the rest of the floor in the front bedroom. Once Dew is finished painting in there, that bedroom will be ready for carpet, and finished.
The guest bath is ready for linoleum. Dew wants me to wait until she is done painting, but I think I'll get the flooring down first so I can set the tub. That way I won't ruin her paint job. I can always cover the tub and flooring with cardboard.
Since I was a little ahead of the game, I decided to keep going. We demo'ed the kitchen cabinets (except for the sink base). The uppers came out in one piece, and we are saving them for DD. Unfortunately, the one lower came out in pieces and was destroyed.
Dew has also finished painting the laundry area. It looks really nice. She also painted other places, but I'll let her tell about that since I was busy with floors.
Tomorrow morning I'll probably put a finish on the two stained uppers. I'll either use a lacquer or a hand rubbed poly, not sure which just yet. Then I'll move on to the living room floor. With any luck, that will be finished tomorrow and ready for carpet. If time permits, I fix the kitchen floor and get it ready for the laminate.
I think Dew got some pics.