Go on-line and look, there are numerous extraction processes depending on how the final oil will be used. Co-2 extraction requires very expensive equipment but yields a very pure product. On the other end of the expense scale would be Alcohol which would be in the realm of a home refiners ability.
These folks (who are practically your neighbors) carry a complete line of suitable products. In the header, right side; click on ‘OA inside’ and go to ‘DIY recipes.’
These folks (who are practically your neighbors) carry a complete line of suitable products. In the header, right side; click on ‘OA inside’ and go to ‘DIY recipes.’
Organic Alcohol Company
New LOWER Pricing with Federal Tax Included! Certified Organic 190 and 200-Proof Alcohols - Organic Grape Alcohol, Organic Corn Alcohol, Organic Cane Alcohol, Organic Wheat Alcohol. Best for use in herbal extracts, natural perfumes, homeopathic medicines, body care products, alcoholic beverages...
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