Garden Master
I had friends ( now deceised )near Dixon, Cal. who farmed sugar beets, raised QHs and had a flock of 200 white faced ewes. A short haired, male black cat who was born at their horse barn and was always quite friendly finally grew up to be QUITE LARGE. He looked just like a Black Leapard. His mom and his littermates (large, but closer to normal sized ) fed on field mice and washed them down every morning with milk offerings. One day they decided to weigh him... 28 lbs. !!!
They named him Lumux. In Cal. most of the country feral cats die off as kittens every year from feline panleukopenia and/ or eaten by coyotes as kittens or adults. In city parks or suberbia when they are fed by bleeding heart cat people, their populations explode, then harbor many types of deceises which they spread to us and our family cats and other pets mainly throgh fleas and mites. They also are the major predators of wild song birds. The catch and release programs are wishfull thinking at best.