This is Echo. She's 17months old and around 14lbs. She's still got a little growing to do yet. They are not fully mature physically till 3-4yrs old. I love the breed. They are very into their people as you can see. Super sweet, gentle, inquisitive, some would say needy they are often in the same room as we are regardless of what we're doing.
Here she is with my son Gabriel. He was just a few months old. He fell asleep so I set him down this was a day we'd lost power due to the storms. The baby monitor wouldn't work (no power) so he slept in hearing distance. Echo was maybe a yr old.
She is fascinated by his pacifier. She will chew them if she can. Only ones he's had in his mouth. If it's new or washed she doesn't want anything to do with it.
She wedged herself under my oldest daughter's arm when she fell asleep during a movie. Picture isn't great because I had to use the flash and the room was darker. Very people oriented.
That's from the last weekend in January. My oldest daughter will be 8 this month for perspective. And yes she handles her and presented her.
That last picture is Chuck Nortis aka Chuckie's. That's Echo's father. Good friend of mine is the breeder and how we got her. He's 20+lbs.
They are a WONDERFUL breed. Downside is the coat. Longhairs need to be kept up on or they will mat. It's not a big deal to me to run a brush through her but it's not a task you can ignore like a shorthaired breed.
Those are the pictures I have I can always take more.
@Jarred77 she is BEAUTIFUL. I am partial to calicos, too. We had a regular old Barn cat, a neutered Tom that tipped the scales at 12#
Fido was a gem. He is missed. Sabrina (his little sister) was a sweet long hair calico. (I miss her too.) Not sure I will get another cat. No good place for litter box and the DOG is a breed that is very aggressive with cats. I worry he would kill a kitten. If I do I certainly would look into getting a Maine Coon. Thanks for sharing the photos. Sweet Family.
I suppose I could post photos of the cats I don't have, but they (almost) all look alike -- orange tabbies -- so if you've seen one you've seen them all. Only their owners can tell them apart easily and I am not their owner.
Way back in my boarding kennel days we had a cat that stayed with us every few months. He was a light cream color, short haired mix who was HUGE. I don't know what he weighed but I do remember that you did NOT try to pick him up with one arm.
The 'kitty condos' were about 48" square and the only way he could lay down without being curled up was diagonal from corner to corner. He spend a LOT of time loose in the 'cat room'. If it hadn't been so loud in the dog runs, I would have put him out there.
Domestic cats CAN get really, really big.
Just to see what would happen I placed a left over slice of pizza in the yard last night. The cats ignored it, however, it did not go to waste as shown in the photo. Pizza for breakfast is pretty gross.
Since the first of the year, and this is still just the middle of February, I've permanently removed 1 raccoon, 4 rats, 5 possum, and 5 skunks from my property. That's mostly been around my compost pile where kitchen scraps go, but some came from the winter garden with nothing currently in it and some from where I keep the chicken feed. The chicken feed is locked up tightly but the empty feed bags are attracting them. I go to the compost pile and lock the chickens up after dark every night. I really don't want to bump into a skunk in the dark. I often carry a flashlight.
About the middle of January a skunk came into the garage through a doggie door and sprayed. I don't know what happened. We were home and didn't hear anything. One dog got slightly touched but that could have been just rubbing on the wall where it sprayed. It's not like the dogs to be that quiet when we have a visitor on four legs so I'm really mystified about what happened. There was no body or sign of a struggle.
This morning when I stepped outside I could smell skunk. The smell wasn't there last night and the dogs were locked in their crates in the garage. It's obvious they were not involved because of the lack of smell on them. I'm going to keep that trap set a while longer.
Ugh, this is the beginning of skunk season around here. The smell of one woke me up in the middle of the night last week. I was sure one had gotten hit on the highway, but I couldn't see anything. By morning the smell outside was gone, but it remained in the house for a couple of days. Especially in the basement. Go figure.