Odd things your pet has learned,


Garden Master
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seacoast NH zone 5
Chickie seemed to be trained to crow after 7am. he also cuddled with me often. he followed me around the house and yard and if i sat down would seek my comfort in a few seconds of seeing me come around a corner or in the coop. he got jealous too and would growl or try to chase off other chickens if they got too close to me. i'd get the occasional love nip if i didn't show him affection when i first came in the coop in the mornings. he got along well with my dog and the dog didn't bother him much. he was a great first chicken/rooster and i miss him. lost him in December. :hit he imprinted on me when he hatched since i rescued him from his egg, so i pampered him during the 1st few weeks while i was trying to hatch more chickens for my flock. it took too long and he just thought he was part of my household family and not a chicken.

i had a 5 toed hen named Raven who was supposed to be a WC black polish but never had much of a crest and only 1 feather was white in the tuft. a few times in the early mornings i would hear a crow come from the hens' summer coop at the last property, caught her doing it one morning. she also used to roost up high and would dive bomb me from above if she saw me coming with treats, she had to be the first to get a taste. she'd pace the run watching for me to come home in the afternoons and my DH said she would start doing it at a specific time every day until i got home.

i had a parakeet as a young teen that would drink cola from my glass and she would come to me when i'd whistle to her. out of all the 'keets i had she was the tamest. i had a cat that used to like Cool Ranch Doritos.


Garden Ornament
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
We have a beagle that "purrs". I don't know how it started but, if you're petting him and tell him your dune he grabs your hand and then purrs until he's satisfied. He will also apologize when he does something wrong. He likes to get in the trash and after you see it you can say if you don't apologize then I won't pet you. He sits cocks his head and nuzzles you.
Our wolf-hybrid sneezes on you if she likes you. She is also the chicken protector. If she thinks something isn't right with them she won't leave us alone until we go check.
Our Barred Rock chicken honks like a goose it's really weird.


Deeply Rooted
Sep 30, 2014
Reaction score
Southwest Texas
Sorry to hear about losing Chickie. That had to be hard. I've had several extra special chickens over the years and cried my heart out when they passed on. They can just be so personable and cuddley! I've told people the only difference between a chicken and a parrot is about $500!

@lesa I've yet to see how Sullivan get up on things, he's very stealthy. I either see where he's been, or catch him up on whatever it is. He's also an amazing digger, like to China. Since the tornado, if I don't put him in his kennel by sunset he digs a tunnel and dens under the trees. If I try to pull him out by his tail he sounds like a dragon.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Years ago I had a pet rooster that bonded with a blind rescue sheep. We called her his 'fuzzy hen'. He would help her find her food, alert her of dangers, and ride around on her back. He was acting as her eyes! Herend's of Hungary read my blog and saw the photos and made a collectible commemorative figurine of them and sent me one as a surprise!
I believe I have seen the figure!

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